A familiar face returns

  • A familiar face returns through the north gate. The guards look with open eyes in disbelief. They see Rando standing in front of them, a little older, but still with the same glint in his eyes. One of the Guards asks.

    "where you been Rando?"

    Rando replies

    " I have been on a errant for Helm, i was called back to serve him in Metizca. His teachings needed to be spread through those lands. How long have i been gone, 1, 2 years? What has changed? That old fart Dwin around still? Tell Him i am back when you see him, i shall be in my quarters"

    Rando walks to his quarters looking around

  • oi, bout time ya got back… read up on the reports and come talk to me as soon as ya got opinions on what's goin on lately. ya never been one to not have opinions chuckles