A crazy Blue Bard speaks

  • People of Jiyyd, I am sure you have heard the crazy rumor of diplomacy and threats upon Jiyyd.

    Well, half of that is correct…and its not the part concerning the threats.

    The leader of this orc tribe is a follower of Tempus, god of battle, of honor and strength in victory and might. The same god that a dear citizen of this city was, and still is in the outer realms, a champion of; Maya Bromley.

    They view the orcs of the south as an insult upon their race. Weak and unsuccessful in combat, they seek to purge them. Conversely they see Jiyyd as the stronger of the two, able to withhold against the orcs and slowly cut their numbers, proving to be strong.

    After some talks between myself and the leader it seems they do not wish to attack Jiyyd, but simply stay wary that Jiyyd may strike at them. They wish to extand an offer of aid....they would like Jiyyd to fight along them to remove these original orcs from the fortress and from the plains. If Jiyyd does so, they will be given the plains for fertile and vibrant farming land.

    There was no threats of destruction should Jiyyd choose not to aid. But they also did not promise to be giving in regards to land. They view strength in combat greater then any other virtue, and Jiyyd fighthing besides them prove that they are worthy where as not fighting shows someone possibly weak and affraid.

    This orc is intelligent, much more so then your average orcs. He holds his men in tow due to his cunning knack for battle and due to the respect gained here. However he has had some orcs defect from his tribe...the reason why? Because those orcs wished to attack Jiyyd and he refused.

    I ask you folks simply to consider this. I understand the thought that an Orc could be something other then Evil is a hard one to grasp...though for me, I can understand it a bit more. I do not think the tribe as a whole are not evil like their brethren, but I believe some semblance of honor and truth is in the leader. You have a chance to finally flush out and destroy the orcs to the south, and to possibly assure relations with the new ones will be at least better then the ones previously. However, it is up to you if you choose to take it.

    As I had told their Cheif...

    Choose wisely, and may your decision prove to be the correct one.

  • Jerr chuckles, individual orcs seem willing to test themselves and people of Jiyyd in challenges, as befits worshippers of Tempus. I still maintain that the ransom/extortion did not unless there is some deeper meaning to the payment. But fighting with pointy sticks, be carefull. sometimes a test may go further than you expect even if they do stop once you fall.

    On a side note. Security wise, has anyone thought of how many local would sell their souls for far less that 20 thousand gold? I would recomend people who are discussing the new orcs to be circumspect or expect the orcs to catch word of what is being said, and by whom.

  • Recently, Zoma can be seen looking very edgy and restless ever since with Zyph's approval of letting Ragnhild duel with the orcs.

  • Ragnhild beams like the sun, dashing off to arrange for a keg of ale or three. She shouts over her shoulder as she leaves:

    "Iff honour alone not persuade, tell them ale be grand prize!"

  • @d025b37868=Karnivor:

    Ragnhild listens to the debate quietly whenever her restless legs take her to Jiyyd. With a somewhat hopeful light in her eyes, she approaches Zyphlin.

    "Zyfflin…uhm. If vhanted a sparring match vith one of these new orchs, to lern and to test battel prowess...how go about asking? Since follow Tempus, I think probably they not refuse, but how ask in proper vay so as not offend? I itching to test speer against other speer, and maybe...if I vinn...they see we strong? Respect us for itt."

    Well, this shouldn't be too hard. I would agree with Nicahh, don't go walking into the planes asking for it. With a war going on; standing in the middle of it and expecting not to get attacked is like standing in the middle of a swarm of bee's and expecting not to be stung.

    However I'll try to see if I can convince one of the Orcs with the pointy sticks to have a battle with you

  • Lilly can be seen sitting in Jiyyd, a defeated look hanging over her. A sigh escaping her lips everytime a new opinion of the orcs is added.

  • Nicahh pipes up with an obvious bitterness in her voice.

    "Well, I know you don't walk up to them and say hello gentlemen, for apparently in orcish that means, 'come slaughter me'. Or atleast it did not work for me when I tried to talk to them…But due to recent activities against their tribe, I highly doubt they will be interested in testing battle prowess until fools stop wandering into their land, and others fools stop running up and killing every orc they see without accessing the situation first."

  • Ragnhild listens to the debate quietly whenever her restless legs take her to Jiyyd. With a somewhat hopeful light in her eyes, she approaches Zyphlin.

    "Zyfflin…uhm. If vhanted a sparring match vith one of these new orchs, to lern and to test battel prowess...how go about asking? Since follow Tempus, I think probably they not refuse, but how ask in proper vay so as not offend? I itching to test speer against other speer, and maybe...if I vinn...they see we strong? Respect us for itt."

  • Nothing to worry about now…

    The offer is off the table.

    They state now that what come will come after the recent incidents of them trying to return the bodies of people who attacked them as a warning to others.

    They have not stated Jiyyd is an enemy, but has not apparently ruled it out. But working together seems out of the question now.

  • I can not assure you all that they would not turn their sights directly on Jiyyd shortly after. All I can say is I do not believe that the case if we aid them.

    Inevitably they are going to take the old Orc fortress, and while they may be weaker without our help I do not feel that it will be weak enough for us to risk a full out counter attack on them…such would likely have a large chance of failing still and cost many many lives.

    By aiding them, there is at least a chance that we may broker even a short term peace. If we show valor and honor in combat, perhaps the city of Jiyyd can find even more respect in these Tempus Followers eyes and be regulated as ones not to touch.

    Tempus does not preach to turn your back and slay an ally that just faught and died beside you.

    Yes, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck...its probably a duck. The key word here is "probably". While highly uncommon, it is not unheard of to find a more neutral leaning member of some of the evil races; Drow, Kobolds, Goblins, and yes...even Orcs.

    The Dwarves other town he holds great interest in as the Captain of the towns militia even houses such a Goblin, yet he speaks as if its a forgone conclussion that every monsterous race is comprised of nothing but backstabbing, blood thirsty murderers.

    There is something noteably different in this Orcs eyes. The intellect and the devotion to his God. It should not be taken for granted. Give them your aid, flush out Jiyyd's long time enemies, LEARN the tactics and actions of the new tribe first hand as you fight along side them, and continue to prepare your defenses....just in case.

    That would be my council. If you take it, is up to the elders of this town. Know that you have the lives of every person residing here, and every person that would die to defend it, resting heavily upon that choice.

  • Jerr quietly notes that there are other residents on the plains and gathers some things for the Featherflights, metal woodworking tools, spices and the sort of things that the tribesmen usually come in to trade for.

    Pack loaded and a nod to those who know that the skald 'doesn't hide well' he heads off to touch base with the tribe that will be far more in the know about the orcs than a bunch of old women arguing around a fire . . .or an ale.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    blue scurries about!

    HEY! No hins'd eva do tha'! Don' go throwin' accusatations aroun' wha' y'ain' got no proof o'!

    An' as fer these orcs…I say we fight 'em while they's stuck fightin themselves!

  • @707ba80d65=Lizardfoot:

    Orcs just don't cast like that, Dwin…

    smirks and nods his head sarcastically

    yer right…. I seen them cast nasty spells, and I seen them wield swords bigger than you... but yer right, maybe they aint orcs at all and they are each 2 er 3 hins stacked up on each others shoulders in orc suits runnin around in the fields.

    aye, that'd explain why they can cast things ya aint seen orcs do before...

  • @fe58c33644=Clan:

    Me ma told me at a young age…If it looks like siite and it smells like shiite, don't step in it.

    Now yer sayin' they aint orcs? Or, that because they are SO powerful, we should give them the benefit of the doubt and trust them?

    Don't be daft, I said they are talented at magic, that's not the same as just being strong in battle. Orcs just don't cast like that, Dwin, so this shite doesn't look like shite, even if it smells funky. So no, I don't just trust them, but I also wouldn't rule out that we can deal with them, and I think we should bide our time and try to learn more.

  • @41bb8b98ab=Lizardfoot:

    These orcs is not orcs, Dwin.

    Me ma told me at a young age…If it looks like siite and it smells like shiite, don't step in it.

    Now yer sayin' they aint orcs? Or, that because they are SO powerful, we should give them the benefit of the doubt and trust them?

    I cant believe my farkin ears. Have you all gone mad?

    You think they got this strong by studyin at some college or institution?

    What some of you are sayin is that "these farkers are stronger than any other foe we know". And ya want to TRUST em fer that? Committed to peace?

    These are orcs. They are evil. If you are fool enough to believe that they will parlay a peace and become nice neighbors then you deserve what's comin.

    The rest o you, and especially the council, let me know what ya need in the way o weaponry, armor, adn reinforcements. A storm is comin an I dont want to be left out in the rain.

  • There is other edivence that this tribe is not normal. Orcs are normally too violent and impatient to excel at magery, and yet their mages are among the best in the land, better than those of the drow and duergar! Better than most humans, elves, hin, gnomes and dwarves of this land, too, I might add. These orcs is not orcs, Dwin.

    Whether or not you believe that the leader of these orcs will keep his promise, it would make more sense to fortify the town now rather than fighting them.

    I have another suggestion as well but I will save it for a town hall meeting..

  • _"And that is why we will remain right here within Jiyyd. Know that my sword will still be held along with all of you, should these Orcs turn and come to raze our town. Our walls are strengthened already, gates included. They may try, but as long as even one of us remains, they won't succeed.

    Learn what you can of them, see their actions, how their troops move, their strengths and weaknesses. While they fight, learning of them is our main defense. Knowing their tactics, we can adjust our defenses accordingly, and keep the fight on our terms when it does come. Perhaps this way, a fight within the town can even be avoided in the end.

    Zyphlin, I thank you for bringing us this news first hand."

    With that, Shane leaves back for the hill._

  • The Sheverashan is only heard to say:

    "Only too easy for them to turn on you when you've invaded the fortress, and your way out is cut off."

  • Nym merely points out that once the old orc tribe has been defeated the new tribe will look for a new challenge. And if the bard speaks truly what better way to prove themselves in their god's eyes than by challenging Jiyyd.

  • _Dentin stands and considers a time, before speaking.
    "This new orc chieftain is different. From what I know from meeting him, he is committed to maintaining a peace with Jiyyd, at least for the time being. The other orc tribe has proven to be dishonourable, and have no interest in lasting peace. Secondly, if this new orc tribe was convinced they could defeat the old tribe without aid, they would not approach Jiyyd with offers of a temporary alliance. At the very least, working with this new tribe will offer more protection from the old tribe.

    The question that remains is.. what if this new tribe fails in driving out the old one? Will they turn on Jiyyd and join the old tribe? Will they simply leave?_
    Elor blurts out…
    "I told you! Nobody listened, but I told you! Everybody thought I was insane, but I was right!"
    ... before going back to scurrying around.

  • Dwin rolls his eyes as soon as the show is over.

    When's the Council meetin? We need to come up with some plans soon before the orcs take the town, or worse, the travellin' bard troup sets up a permanent home and theater here.

    Orcs is Orcs.

    We really supposed to believe that these orcs are smarter… AND that we can trust em? They gonna help us plow and sow the land afterwards? Fark, lets just give em all citizen papers now. Maybe they can volunteer in the Jiyyd Militia and have a seat on the Council too.

    Me thinks they pulled some blue wool o'er yer eyes, lad.