Mord off duty in the Boarshead

  • Mord can be seen in at mealtimes at the Boarshead in his plain gray workmans garb and a large knife at his hip. He dissapears often into the upper halls but can be seen now and again about town. If any of the Militia approach him wanders off.

    ((DR SEUSS Mord is on the duties he has been set and agreed upon. My on line times are a bit hit and miss so PM me anything I need to know. I will try and add to this if anythign happens.))

  • If any are inside the town hall, Mord can be seen going to the Chancellors offices early each day before he heads over to the Boarshead. His beard has grown out to a stubble and he comes and goes into the Inn at odd times.
    ((If any look closely he has chain mail under his clothes, though it is well concealed under the loose garments))

    ((Thank you for getting the locker and key in place. Hope to see Maythor some evening before next week))

  • DM

    Leave his key in your militia locker dwin ill grab it.

  • Dwin leaves word at the Boarshead that Mords chest should be in place, and that he should find him to get his key.

    ((who's a DM thats on when you are? I can give the key to him/her))