Advance and secure, battle log of the Crimson knights

  • a little of history:

    The crimson knight are born from the meeting of three different persons, Kadosh a redeemed thayan knight serving Tyr, Davyn a pladain of Torm and Daerus a fighter serving the Red knight.It was obvious for them Narfell lacked a non religious order of knights which could promote the ideals of knighthood among the fighters and not only the paladins and priests.

    Goals and achievements:

    So prime goal is to higher the moral level among the fighters of Narfell by building an order open to them where they could progress on the path of Truth, honor and valor.

    Second is to defend Narfell against invaders and inner enemies.

    Third is to protect the innocents people of Narfell its against evil plotters and tyrants.

    This three goals set the core of the actions of the knights.

    The order achieved some tasks recently:

    • It helped fight the eastlanders invaders at Sam's hill.
    • It helped fight evil outsiders at Norwick including a succubus, salamenders, undeads and dretches.
    • It helped Sir Shannon fight many kuo toas, including thier wizards and elite troops in the vinciny of Oscura.
    • It helped rebuild the crafter union hall in Jiyyd.

    Anywhere its knights are needed, he will go without fear.

    The council of knights is currently studying the possibility to clear the Jiyyd eastern road and settle in Ormpur.