* Posters go up around town *

    • Posters in fine writing go up about town reading the following *

    _Looking for land's finest lasses to provide companionship to shy, introverted lad.

    One lucky applicant will receive a free bath, followed by dinner and spirits as well as compensation for successfully ….._

    • Here the reader is assumed to fill in their answer *

    _A successfull date, will also mean that the lucky applicant will be the queen at the "Festival of Deflowerment".

    • Must like elves.
    • Elven preferred, but not necessary.
    • No half orc, or dwarven lasses need apply.
    • Full set of teeth a plus.

    All applicants please see Foilir or Dwin Dolvak to apply._

  • Laucian, the introverted elf, glances up at the poster, momentarily taking his eyes off the ground. As he reads, his mouth slowly starts to hang open and his eyes widen. He glances over his shoulder, trying to spot whichever person is trying to pull a prank on him. After coming to the conclusion that whoever put the poster up is long gone, he turns back to the poster with a frown. He walks off several minutes later down the road with his hands in his pockets, muttering

    "….b...better not be what I th...th....think it is...."

    • Foilir watches from the top of town hall, disappointed in the lack of responses. *

    <d>Damn me is goin teh have teh hire bards, walkin frumma town teh town, cryin out deh message..

    • Pondering if this would work better he strokes his beard pensively *

    <d>we cen send un teh every town, fer a month er so. At least one lass must be interested der in pastey.</d></d>

  • The chancellor quietly goes about taking down the posters and dismissing the guards watching over them.

  • Mord reads the posters and can be seen talking to the guards. He shakes his head looks to the guffawing dwarf in his seat and shakes his head again he can be heard to mutter I nay understand dwarves er elves….as he walks away

  • :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

  • @ea4dd387f3=Celandine:

    A peal of hinnish laughter rings throughout Norwick as Ginger reads a poster. She's heard to remark in the halfling tongue something about "Foilir trolling for an elf lass", and that she's sure that many of Narfell's whores will apply.

    • As the dwarf watches Ginger read the poster from the roof of the town hall his brow furrows as he tries his power of suggestion. "Move along! Too many Tealeafs already! And all of them annoy menfolk!" Watching her walk away without speaking to the guard he smiles, and reaches for a fresh ale. *

    <d>Bah, nae matter. Me is sure she faked readin it.. Anna if she could, me bet she did nae make sense of it anyway.

    • Laughing heartily he downs the ale and pours the last bit out to his god, for helping the halfling move along. *</d>

  • Passing by one of the posters, Penny snickers and heads toward her office, after first checking to see if anyone has applied.

  • A peal of hinnish laughter rings throughout Norwick as Ginger reads a poster. She's heard to remark in the halfling tongue something about "Foilir trolling for an elf lass", and that she's sure that many of Narfell's whores will apply.

  • On his way from the hall, still half covered in flowers from a freakishly huge bouquet he disposed of earlier, Lucidious just nods to Foilir in passing. Apparently with some other matter on his mind, he walks right past the sign with guards around it, turns south and pads off completely oblivious to the whole thing, swatting flowers off his robes as he goes.

    • Guards are posted at teh various posters, waiting to take the names of applicants and schedule their interviews.

    Foilir watches from a seat on top the town hall, drinking ales as he waits in earnest to guage the success of the posters, hoping he doesn't have to shell out coin for town criers. *

  • //The posters are funny. The (inevitable) graffiti that will appear on them is going to be hilarious.//