Outpost in the rawlinswood

  • Uh.. Peltarch tower is like fortress. Cyrian want to build small wood one…. and farther from town than Peltarch's... Dwin...

  • Mord puts in a quiet word to his commander after lseveral ong patrols to the west and surveying the lake just south of the gates With the Saurian pushing from the south what of a tower in the middle of the lake. It would provide warnin from the south and provide strong crossfire on attacks on the gate. Mayhap start with this and look further out as time comes. The construction and supply could be supposrted easily from town and skiff or a sunken causeway could provide acces to it.

    I have too often seen what over extended supply lines can cause.

  • I wonder what the local folks thought when Peltarch built their outpost south of the city?

    "The bandits wont let it happen."

    "They'll kill ya before its built."

    Well, if they can build an outpost and maintain it all these years, by Moradin so can we!

  • _Wolf shakes his head, sighing..

    Is good you want to get goblins out, and is good you trying, but… this wont work.

    Is being built in the middle of goblins, will be surprised if even get finished. They going to throw grenades, fireballs... trails off ...while you build it. And once it damaged, or destroyed, going to waste more resource to rebuild? Not best plan.

    Druids can have birds watch the goblins, and see what they doing. Norwick can send scouts to see too. One tower not going to make goblins go away, just annoy them. And isnt just goblins in the woods..._

  • after hearing Raisa, lucid seems rather disapointed

    Cyrian has shown undeniable results in his efforts and I will continue to support him in any way I can.

    If the circle has anything constructive to offer, my door is always open.

  • Make sure deh tower have a few tombs in deh basement… Save us deh trouble of draggin deh dead back teh town.

    • Foilir smiles and walks off leaning on his staff *

  • Fill the tower with kegs behind the walls with a magic key word trigger. Wait for some big powerful goblin to take charge of the tower. Send a note in goblin to the goblin king. And BLAM! No more goblin king. Might discourage future take overs.


  • The goblins are going to do everything you just listed wether or not there is a tower anyway. . the difference is that with the tower it may change the focus of the attacks from the town to the tower, and of course we can monitor the goblins better from the tower, also once the tower is complete the goblin population of the forest will inevetibly begin to diminish.
    I don't know about you, but I would rather defend the town from a location where the town and the citizens within cannot be harmed by the stray magic that destroys someones house, or by the stray foe that gets past the defences and begins to slaughter the people.
    No matter what there will always be some way to destroy the tower, kill the guards, bypass its line of sight, take control of it etcetera. . but the same goes for anything, we can see proof of this by looking into history, as far back as the Lost City destroyed by its own peoples wreckless desire for power, the city of Peltarch, fallen apart by the corruption that grew within like a cancer, the Gypsy camp that was destroyed when the Gnolls gained access to powerful magics by their gods, no matter how well defended or how advanced any of those places were they still fell, if building a tower will decrease the chance of that happening to Norwick by even the slightest, then it will be worth it.

  • After hearing of Fadia's conversation with Cyrian, Raisa is seen nodding agreement at parts.

    "So long as the tower did what its proponents think it will, I would do all I could to help. But it seems the planning thus far has not taken into account the full capabilities of the goblins. As I told the Chancellor, better fortifying the town itself might be a more appropriate use of energy. Whenever I am present at an attack, I see the changes that have been made go unused and a disorganized and wasteful defense."

  • She's got some good points there.

    Cyrian, lets chat about this sometime soon. When we built the wall upon the southern cliff of town, i thought that might be a good spot for a tower. Maybe we should reconsider the location…

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Cyrian, you may need more than one druid to work on that cliff. Hardening a small patch of ground is one thing, but an entire cliff? I tried some large scale things like that when we reshaped the glenn, and let me tell you…it's exhausting.

    Maybe you should come to a meeting of the circle? You're bound to at least get your voice heard by the more able ones in our family.

    To be honest, though, it seems a bit of a crackpot idea to me. The goblins are bound to attack it first. When that happens, one of three things will follow:

    1.) The tower will be destroyed, in some form or another, and the guards killed.

    2.) The goblins will take over the watchtower and kill the guards manning it.

    or 3.) A large number of militiamen will be called out to reinforce it. This being a small town, the militia has a finite amount of manpower, and any event such as that will leave your town vulnerable to attack from drow, goblins from the east, yuan-ti, or worse. Hells, we know that the greenskins have summoned at least one very powerful demon that nearly overtook the town when it had a full complement of guards, not to mention a few freelance adventurers manning the wall. What happens if one attacks while everyone's out reinforcing the garrison at the tower? Yes, healing it was a quick way to finish it off, but are we really going to ask powerful healers to stay behind when people could be dying out at the outpost?

    On top of that, there are other disadvantages to a watchtower, however tall and regardless of the terrain it's built on. For one thing, goblins could simply learn its blind spots and work through them to launch surprise attacks on the town, catching all of you unawares. Remember that this is a forest. I love this forest and guard it with my life, but I can't deny that scouting inside it, especially from a stationary location above the treeline, is a nightmare. Add to that the fact that there is a threat of townsmen becoming too used to having the alarm there to warn them, and you can begin to see how things could get very bad, very fast.

    Second, a tower is stationary. It can't retreat. It can't hide. That far out in goblin territory, that's a real disadvantage and something that must be considered. Third, even after all that, if you still decide to build it, it will take precious hours to get a band together to reinforce the tower should it come under attack. Like I said earlier, manpower is a finite resource in a town this size, and going to this tower is a high-risk venture. You may very well be sending your soldiers to their deaths.

    If you want some sort of early warning system, it's my opinion that a tower would almost surely not be a wise choice. Perhaps employ some trackers? Certainly, there are many that are friendly with the circle and will respect it, thereby keeping us from butting heads with your town. And most of those also know these woods well and will know what to look for should goblins decide to attack. Also, unlike a large watchtower, these are able to hide, to fall back if need be, and many are capable of sending animal messengers to warn the town of impending attacks, without the need to potentially damage the forest.

    Two or three small units of these trackers - perhaps as small as two people to each one - patrolling the west woods and equipped with some basic healing potions and issued decent-quality gear should be every bit as effective as a watchtower, and would certainly be nowhere near as invasive.

    She shrugs But regardless of what I say, if you're determined to build it, you probably will. I would still, however, suggest attending a circle meeting and voicing your intentions. We may have some suggestions, and it would go a long way to making the people who live in the forest more open to your plan.

    • Foilir just looks at Fadia wandering about town talking of a druid outpost in its midst *

    "Anna wut yeh call dat?"

    • Points at Fadia with his staff *

    "Yeh expectin a lass wit hairy legs anna twigs anna leaves in her hair?"

    • Motions Cyrian over *

    "Yeh want teh speak go speak… Yeh deh un proposin buildin in der yard, yer responsibility to talk teh her.."

  • Cyrian quickly turns down the wall of fire idea as being too dangerous, unpredictable, and not environment friendly

    I hear all this talk about how the druids are not going to be happy about this construction, and yet not a single druid has approached me to share their concerns, or ideas.

    As for a permanent solution, this tower is only the beginning step for a permanent solution, it is much easier to monitor the goblins from an outpost in the deep woods then it is from behind the walls of Norwick, also this tower provides travellers a safe place to rest, once the tower is complete trade routes to the west may be established knowing that travel through the deep parts of the forest will be safe.

    After the tower is completed I plan to look into removing the goblins from the hold and building a more permanent fortification within the cave system.

  • Dentin, I agree with what yer sayin… I have been suggesting signal towers fer a while. I think that we should consider some north of town, as far as the hill as well. Anywhere threats could be comin from, we should have a way to know about em.

    Maybe you and me should talk about such a system.

    • Foilir just leans on his staff *

    "So let me ask yeh dis.. Wut yeh consider a greater threat? A few greenskins dat we cut down wit little effort or a bunch of farked off druids dat own dese woods?"

    • Foilir flicks some sort of bug off his shoulder plate *

    "If'n yeh is askin most of us folk who live eer anna weild an axe. Deh greenskin are no more den dat der bug me sent a'flyin. Nae too much to worry about, except fer farm animals anna a few wood gates dat need teh be replaced."

    • Stops a moment and peers at the giant torch he is building in the middle of the old thick woods *

    "Juss imagine if yeh bit of arsonist defense system go awry… Why me is nae goin teh deal with farked off Druids... Preventin folk frumma minin anna wood choppin, huntin er juss wanderin..

    If dat happen...well now yeh affected our economy...our trades..."

    • Wags the staff at him *

    "Dat me nae like teh see..."

    • Foilir walks off chuckling at the diagram wondering if any thought was given to how folks stuck in the tower would get any relief once the fire was set, as the smoke would surely not help their breathing and the fire would keep any supplied and reinforcements...out *

  • _After a few days, Dentin returns to see Cyrian, carrying a few crude schematics of the tower and surrounding area. Though most of the schematics are make the tower itself more sturdy, some other designs include what Dentin refers to as the Circle of Fire, apparantly a kind of deep moat filled with oil, that can quickly be lit from the side of the tower to create a temporary yet devestating wall of fire, especially if the goblins are already down in the moat and trying to scale the side up towards the tower. He also shows a simple system to light a warning fire on the top of the tower, which mainly revolves around a quick-burning fuse that runs along the inside of the tower to the bottom, and can easily be lit in case of an emergency.

    "These suggestions should offer at least some aid in defending the tower from considerable attacks. Still, I would recommend that Norwick invests in an active and mobile scouting force of the wood to watch the Hobgoblins, and perhaps indeed a signal fire warning system, rather than a tower. Maintaining any kind of permanent fortification this deep in the woods, with a constant goblin presence and no secured line supply line, would require more than a tower and a handful of guards. Why would you allow the constant threat to Norwick to exist at all? The tower would ultimately only provide a warning, and would hardly prove to be a permanent solution. And though there is something to the challenge, it would prove a costly and difficult to undertake, as well as maintain. I would offer my assistance in collapsing any caves the goblins may be using, as well as dealing with those living in the woods."_

  • Mord can often be seen patroling to the west, keeping an eye on the activity and discouraginf goblins in the area. He can be seen talking softly with Cyrian and if any are close enough to hear they can hear words of concern of the distance and isolation from the town.

    • Foilir shakes his head at the plans and plants his staff *

    Dis a mistake… First off, unless yeh farkin a druid anna we nae knows about it, yeh is sure teh piss em off.

    • Looks to the side and spits on the ground *

    Second, wut is deh benefit of dis? Anna outpost? Wut deh fark fer? Go grab a gobber cave anna fortify dat er sumtin.. Nae understand deh purpose er use of un outpost in deh wood.

    • He grabs his staff and yanks it out of the ground *

    Expandin in deh woods nae really in deh interests of dis town... Focus inside deh walls ferst.. Leave deh woods to the 'uggers.

    • Stops a moment *

    Yeh want better protecteds town? Den stop by me office anna we speak of it. Me has more den a few idears.

  • While construction hasnt yet begun as it is still in its developement stages, Cyrian takes soem time to speak with Dentin about his ideas

    If you think you can design me some defencive devises for the tower I would be willing to pay to have them constructed,keep in mind they will need to be small and able to be one manned, also if you can design an effective device to light the fires in an emergency, that is on thing that we cannot risk having malfunction as the lives of many people would be at stake.

  • i don't know the exact numbers as of yet Dwin, But I will be needing for sure:

    Rope for hoisting up heavy materials necessary in the construction.
    Oil, not only as a lubricant when setting the pieces but also to allow for a good steady fire.
    Food for the workers and watchers.
    Healing supplise or a healer would be even better in the likely chance that there are goblin attacks.
    Wood, preferably pine or maple, to build scaffolding around the plateau so we can get up there to build.
    metal rods about 6 inches in length to lock the scaffolding in place, preferably iron.
    Torches and lanterns to light the site at night time, preferably magical.
    Crates, carriages, horses and mercenaries to bring supplies to and from the site and town.

    Id like a druid as well to change the plateau itself into solid rock to provide it as a sturdy foundation, we should get this before we begin laying the bricks of the tower.

    Ive also been juggling the idea of crafting the structure out of steel instead of brick, it would make it much more sturdy, longer lasting, and harder for enemy forces to penetrate. though it will make the job thousand times more expensive.

    For the interior ill need wooden planks to build staircase to about 15 feet from the top of the tower at which point i would like a wooden platform lifted by ropes to the top where the signal fire is accessible. torches will be set along the walls within for appropriate lighting, and the signal fire itself will have a mechanism that will strike several flint stones to ensure the fire is lit the first attempt.

    upon completion of the tower i would like to hire the mages of Spellweaver keep to provide magical wards to the structure to make it more sturdy, including entropic warding to prevent attackers from firing on the tower with missiles, and a magical barrier around the structure to protect it from being blasted by enemy mages, it is especially needed to ensure the signal fire is not accidentally set fire by enemy fire magics and to protect the structure and those within from natural or unnatural lightning.

    Im sure i missed some things but for now this should be a good start, if you think it would be beneficial to create the tower of steel isntead of stone then let me know so we can hire the Union to begin gathering the metal needed, as well as to begin collecting the money for funding of the project, so far all my funding has come from the goblin attackers themselves but further funding will be necessary later on in the project.

    Oh, I would laso like to hire a skilled trapper to begin scouting the goblin hold and removing any traps they come by, eventually I will be expanding my patrolls to the caves itself and do not want any surprises.