Knights of Norwick

  • Citizens have noticed the presence of a half dozen of knights wearing dark red armors in the Norwick area, they helped the Chancellor fight the eastlanders at Sam Hill.. then they fought an invasion of evil outsiders led by a succubus using the famous Well of Norwick, still no one is sure yet about their numbers and their goals… to be continued...

  • _Dwin smirks, both at the departure and of the presumed idea that he is a "drunk rambler."

    He waves his hand dismissively as he remarks to one of his guards, "Bah, let Jiyyd deal with them. Fer a group that says they are helpin, they are more high-maintenance than a room full o hin-lasses.

    He then wanders off to find out where that horrible smell is coming from._

  • Kalith watches the Knights beyond Norwick hill and towards Jiyyd.

    "Well that can't be good"

    The returns to his duties on the hill.

  • ICC

    KULL watches from up the watch tower the Crimson knigts contingent march down the long road and then enter in jyyid.
    He Frowns at the sight of them and thinks about what business brings them to Jiyyd.
    Although he´s face expression do demonstrate that he´s not happy about what he´s seeing, he says nothing to them, instead writes something in his small note book and remains on top of the watch tower, guarding

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)

    “To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”

  • Dwin, following his drunk rambler reputation, bumped into Kadosh at Jiyyd firecamp…
    It seems the crimson knights have now moved to jiyyd and forgot about settling in Norwick.

  • Mord can be seen moving about town from post to post, often in the vacinity of any armored figures in red.

  • Dwin quietly speaks with a few of his senior guards, and they are now seen following the Knights around, taking occasional notes.