Old dwarf returns

  • A ver very -very- old dwarf can be seen in peltarch, he can usually be found at the inn, drinking or reading a book. Sometimes at the library (assuming there is one) and sometimes when its sunny outside, reading a book. His hair and beard is white and he wears very very thick glasses.

  • To deac: Oi be te old fer giantboxing, n hintossing, n groinkicking….Oi nay be ta same dwarf as when me was younger when me could hunt giants nekkid...so me read books now, me bones might be te weak but oi still got ma brain intact... // well ty FU, guess Ill see ya around 😄 //

    To Dwin: [d]Well oi be happy if me could find a decent spot to sit, but it better got n pillow because me be bloody tired of sitting on stone benches…He nods approvingly when he looks at the blueprints

  • Hearing about an old white-beard sitting around with nothing to do, Dwin searches him

    [d] Oi! Why ya sittin in this long-legger city when we are almost finished with a proper kin-establishment in the south! We could use yer help on the finishin' touches. Yer steel an blood are part o that cavern as much as anyones!

    Dwin proceeds to unfold a map and blueprints of the new cavern and slowly explains the whole layout to his old friend.

    for reference: http://www.therealnarfell.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=307060#307060

  • _Deacon orders him a round of ale, and joins him the next time he sees him at the Inn, talking about what used to be, and what is now.

    "What ye doing with a book, argh?"_

    // wb man! 😄