The Tribunal

  • Legion

    The Tribunal

    _In the deep and in the dark, there are many whispers and silent voices, that catch upon the breathless breeze that rocks the darkened city of Oscura.

    In the shadows and ruts of the wynds that run between the stacks and crooked buildings, urchins mutter the names to their fellow snipes, guards nude one another and straighten their stature when one of them walks by. The Tribunal.

    Where they meet, what they say, is all cloaked in shadow, like the rest of Oscura. Even some of their names are unknown, but their influence is felt across the shadowy places. Their word is law in the darkness that roams beneath.

    Beware those who would break our laws, or betray Oscura.

    Obey the Tribunal.


  • Updated

  • Updated.

  • Updated.

  • Removed ZarZar.

  • Updated:

    Bokelgein added as Templar

    Lady Merovech now leading the Sisters of Bone.

  • Moved Lady Daliera to Overseer.

  • Corde removed from Templar Positions.

    ((Thanks for the work you put into the position over the years Zyph, you'll be missed.))

  • Updated to add Nicahh as Inquisitor.

  • Updated, Lady Deliera added.

  • Updated. All who are inactive are now dropped.

  • _The Ranks of the Tribunal.

    Overseer: Lady Deliera - {NPC} Missing

    Inquisitor: Nicahh Missing

    Templar: Bokelgein - {NPC}

    Treasurer: Open

    Tribunal Member - Group Represented

    Peace Keeper Captain: Senria

    Kilir SkullCrusher - The Skull Crushers {NPC}

    Lord William Gallows - Brotherhood of the Black Lotus {NPC}

    Larpos (Dead)- Red Falcon {NPC} ?

    Lady Merovech - Sisters of Bones {NPC}

    Lord Mordus Geddar - Church of Bane / Zhentarim{NPC} Missing

    Black Sails - Drelan Ashire_

    (Edit: Soul for names)
    (Edit: Flom to add Order of Discord)
    (Edit: attlen, remaining names)
    (Edit: Kuk, update)