I remember a time...
Hm…I remember back when a whole party got slaughtered at the Nars Bridge...when leaving the Norwick north gate could be lethal, and making it to Jiyyd could be an adventure...when there were still bats 'n rats in the Jiyyd swamps...eyes glaze over
I remember a day when my dwarven battle caster Dain Fellforge was happy minding his own business at level three and very happy for it, then along came a pair of twin dwarven trouble makers. Me and the Troff twins had great fun bashing gobs in the souther woods
After Dain died I left for a month or two , then remade him as a pure Barb, got to level ten ((back in the far off days when that was the level cap for no tokkeners))and died not long after on the bridge to a pack of bandits. How rude.
The next time I came back was with a quite and Curious young dwarven wizard Balin. He made it to level 3 with the help of one of those trouble making dwarfs who apparently had made it big, even had an idea to make his own militiaThose were the days.
Yep, was Sasha Ashe lilfoot. What about Lao Mei, that was the first char I saw on the server… The bad thing was that He jailed me :P.
I also remember falling into a cave, down Gypsy's Gnolls area.((don't know if that stills exist)) Thanks god I played a maskite, with Invis spell... some Big giants down there 8O
I think that a Red dragon killed me at Norwick... In one hit :lol: . The undeads invasions where something common, and yes! there were vampires. Oh something that frighten me most was the werewolf at jiyyd!! Killing machine hehe.
Lol, I remember walking by accident into an Evil's char ritual :x Obviously, got killed.
Ah, Bruno Galpen, drinking mate of Bob Bobbins. As for devo: you mean Sasha Lilfoot- ((hmm, or now that I think on it, was it Sara?)) nasty wee hin she was and all.
I remember a time when Ashan was feared. You could see a dark armored man, with an evil Helmet and a Skelly right next to him((and paladins corpses all arround the place :twisted: )). Great Rp always.
Also Bruno, who was banned from… errr every town? But tons of fun to RP with him!
What about Devo? someone remember the little child He played? Want an apple??while taking the wallet
One of the stronger memories I have is Jerr turning a corner while running the pass and coming face to face with Rass.
She asked if he was willing to do her a favor . . .
As long as it was not being a afternoon snack, he was. and that little meeting was what started Jerr on the dragon road. The gift she gave him that day has never left his neck except in death. It was also when I re-received my citizens token.
But the first reaction when Jerr saw her was "Oh lords, there goes another level." Second was, "Cannot get away so start talking."
I remember being level two and in a party with a few impressively high levels - probably level 6 or 7, in hindsight
- and just running around the pass killing bandits left and right. This might've been near the end of 03. Father Ribs's female druid was part of the group, if I remember right. My char at the time looked up to her. One of the Ael-something elves too, maybe our favorite chubby one.
Somehow, after a month of Narf and dreading spiders, that one night was more impressive than anything in the OC.
I remember when killing a bandit in the pass might net you a magic goodie, like a scroll, gloves of concentratrion +3, or very rarely, a +1 magic weapon or armor. Beware if they did have a +1 weapon, that it would get used against you, and the Ghostly Visage you relied upon for protection was suddenly no protection at all.
I found the random loot interesting particularly the weapons. I really startled me that one time I saw a simple Eastlander running at me with a Halberd.
I remember when I just started, and the journey to Peltarch was a grand adventure. I also remember when level 10 was epic, and the number of people at 10+ could be counted on one hand.