Magic Convention

  • Event Cancelled.

    //OOC: See my post below for clarification.

  • ((Ditto Kerrith, barbarian distrust of arcane magic and will generally take any standpoint that annoys the majority in any argument 😉 ))

  • ((I hope Dwin's comments werent part of the IC opposition. he opposes everything 🙂 ))

  • //OOC on:

    I did leave out spell casting, as I have taken the wild magic concern into account. The "no potion brewing or scroll scribing" part should have hinted at it.

    My take on the situation is that as Norwick is the closest town to Spellweaver, mages and the like would visit it and see the poster. It saves me the hassle of PMing every single guild since the event is supposed to be non-exclusive.

    Unfortunately, it seems that there is IC opposition to even just a small social gathering for those with wizard/cleric/druid classes, a chance for roleplay instead of the usual hack'n'slash.

    Therefore, for the sake of IC continuity, this event is cancelled, due to the fact that it is an inappropriate time to hold it and the potential for conflict here.


  • OOC: Spellweaver is no longer right outside Norwick. It is a long distance away, with an entire map in between.

    edit: also, nothing in the ad mentioned actually casting spells

  • Ezachiel looks over the poster and chuckles.

    Since they won't have me as a member, I don't see why I should attend this…convention, be it here, in Peltarch or in Maztica for all I care.

  • I am sure Peltarch would welcome such a festival…

  • Kerrith nods agreement.
    "They can take this elsewhere. The last time anything magic started here everyone ended up the wrong shape. Wild magic is not to be messed with. Send them somewhere a long way from our citizens. Maybe Peltarch will have them?" grins ferally at the thought of the mages destroying Peltarch

  • There's wild magic afoot and these wigglers want to wiggle even MORE?

    Not near my town…