IC: Norwick's Rent-A-Friend Program

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Fadia Meret ~ Also up for negotiation

  • Lilly Laer ~ up for negotiation.

  • Next to Aelthas' name is written, in Penny's handwriting:

    Aelthas Benthur.. for umm.. a date or hunting.

  • It would seem someone has taken the liberty to fill out Lilin's ad for her.

    Lilin: Pretty blonde with green eyes, seeking possible mate that likes to roll around with a ball of yarn. Please, no boob grabbing.

  • //
    Nevertheless, some friends may worship gods of hedonistic pleasure, or be surprisingly unbothered about pre-meditated murder. All good clean fun.

  • //

    Most definitely, Attlen. Keep in mind all, this is not a buy-a-sex-slave program. Participants will tell you whether they are available for dinner, long walks in the park, hunting, etc., at their discretion. You are ABSOLUTELY NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, allowed to force, pressure, or otherwise coerce them into doing something that they do not OOC agree to beforehand. Those types of pressures are not tolerated, and are dealt with via swift discipline, so please keep this concept true to the fun lightheartedness with which it was conceived. Thank you!


  • //ooc on
    When you're walking off with your new-found rent-a-friend in hand, please keep this in mind:

    //ooc off

  • Another pink parchment is posted, advertising the first Rent-A-Friend night.

    First evening of Norwick's Rent-A-Friend Auctions! Just prior to the beginning of the upcoming Fight Night! ((that'd be this Sunday, October 8, 9pm eastern))

    Available friends for the evening will be:

    Lilly Laer
    Fadia Nailo-Meret
    Drelan Ashire
    Aelthas Benthur

    Silent auction bids will be accepted from any potential bidders who cannot attend the auction. Leave your incremental bids, including your highest bid, in a note for Penny ((PM please, include starting bid, stepwise bids thereafter, and max bid)).

    Beneath each name, there is a space for personal information to be filled in.

    ((Please post a little personal ad in this thread for your PC, indicating what type of friend you'd like to be for the day. If you can't make it Sunday, that's fine, we can always reschedule or work out a silent auction format via the forums! And for all Euro friends, I'll come up with a Euro auction as well for a later date. :)))

  • chuckles reading over the list…then goes quiet and points to his name

    Wait … I'm on the list?

    Perks a brow reading over the rules more carefully…then heads off to find penny.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Fad grins mischievously, and tails after Wolf

  • Nicahh looks over the advertisement, her seeming slightly uncomfortable then, but silently ponders putting "only violent activities" next to her name. She then turns to Penny to speak.

    "Umm… what about those that may not be able to attend the auction, can they send in bids prior to the auction? You know, like a silent auction, and if they are not overbid, they still get the time with the person?"

  • Dwin likewise grunts an unhappy noise.

    Sounds like hin-work… all this friend-makin and rentin'.


    At least we are takin' a cut. If you see any kin or Militia members on there let me know so I can blast 'em meself.

  • Foilir frowns reading the list and seeing Lucidious.

    <d>Nae conduct becomin sumun in a position of authority..</d>

  • //updated friend list!

  • Beneath Ael's question, Penny replies:

    "Property of Norwick and the Mininstry of Fashion.

  • Aelhaearn studies the message and the list quite intently. He chuckles lightly at the banter around him, staying out of the line of fire, but gives Deacon a dirty look for the low blow against Tala.

    After some time, he pens a question at the bottom of the message:

    "What happens to the other 25%?"

  • _Tala.. I like ye lass, but why're ye bleedin' .. ugh.

    How're ye kids doin' by the way? Any planned yet? Ye ain' the youngest anymore..

    *Gives her a grin, before he now really, walks off._

  • Tala snickers and laughs.

    What a novel concept a man that needs saving from whoring. Deac don't be messing up the mans new method for meeting ladies and showing off his muscle. Hes libel have a few brats running around soon enough, Unless he is unlucky enough to get stuck with men friends.

    which then sets off a whole other set of snickers and laughs at Deacon's consternation.

  • _.. Ye'll be me friend, really? Gildor?

    Sorry, nae interested. I'll rather stay alone. 'Scuse me while I go save me men from whorin' duty._

    He turns halfway the path, smirking.

    Ye were right about me blade though, could use a fancier one. Ye got any fer sale?

  • _Wolf, walking through Norwick and seeing the poster, looks at the names for those who are to be rented. He grunts and shakes his head, seeing Fadia's name.


    Then he notices Lucid's name and laughs loudly._