It ended as quickly as it began.

  • It ended as quickly as it began.

    Private Roy turned the corner of the commons in his nightly patrol, it was close to midnight and except for the street lamps bathing the cobblestones in a warm yellow, darkness had finally taken the city. He yawned, it has been nearly a year now since any major report had been requested of him, the nightlife of Peltarch was one oddly relaxing, and with the exception of reports of random burglars and drunks, little else happened.

    He stuffed his hand beneath his coat and pulled out a ham and cheese roll he had wrapped up in a polka doted hankerchief and stopped on a darkened corner to take a bite. None would know, he was alone on this shift, and no guard would replace him before for a good two hours.

    As he was chewing down his second bite, breadcrumbs dribbling down his front, he felt a sudden yank of his hair, he let out a gasp of surprise but before a proper yell escaped him, cold metal sliced and silenced him for good. They found him forward on the street, headless, the remains of his sandwich gone, though his hand in death cramp was stuck in the pose of clutching it.

    This and similar reports was heard across the city, the two men at the west gate had been found decapitated like the rest, none had seen the actual murder, but there had been no sight of combat, nor was there explanation as to why these select men had been taken. All in all, seven guards and one defender had been found across the town, including a prostitute which was assumed had been a witness to one of the crimes, her body being strangely intact, her eyes wide with horror.

    (P.S. I am back as a DM :twisted:)

  • Having heard the news, Konstantin shows up at the scene. He first interrogates the investigators, gathering whatever they have discovered and attempting to fit things together, then argues with them in an attempt to see the scene with his own eyes.

    The words exchanged reach some intensity, and the investigators act a bit skittish when faced with Konstantin's ire, but it seems unlikely that they will allow him past the perimeter.

  • Darkness settled over the Nars, and the guards on duty along with a few of the defenders, was quickly loosing track of time. Certainly there seemed to be adventurers passing by at all hours, and the torches moving through the shrubbery at the eastern side of the tower was a common sight that they were all too used to.

    Sleepy and longing for their own beds the presence of Officer Mark of the defenders, and a group of the Black sails, was both startling, and a little unwelcome.

    Further down the slope of the hill they were supposedly guarding, stood a heavy granite gravestone overlooking the road to the city. Behind three blood-soaked poles had been dug in to the soil, mounted on-top was three pearly white and polished sculls.

    The engravings of the gravestone was as follows:

    "Roland, Deacon, Talgrath, R.I.P."

    A team of investigators was brought to the scene, and the area fenced off.