OOC: Fight Night - rules, ideas and sugestions

  • A thought for a Fight Night melee tournament.

    Individuals or teams - no healing or resting, even between matches. If you are wounded in one bout, you carry those wounds into the next.

    Team members knocked out would just be out - so one could start with a team, and end up alone and wounded by the finals.

  • Apart from Purge and See Invisibility spells and potions, I recommend Dispel Magic to anybody who wants to make somebody visible. The AoE is pretty big, so if you cast early and cast often, you've got a pretty good chance of getting rid of the invis.

  • @7918ef67f6=Lizardfoot:

    Anyone who turns invisible for more than a few rounds is probably wasting their time anyway.

    Or waiting for someone's Spell Resistance to fade…

  • i dont mind when the wigglers use invisibility… tis why I have an enchantment called "see invisibility" .. and its one of the first buffs I use when I'm with wigglers* in the ring.

    *although it didnt help me in the end last night 🙂

  • Exactly! Allowing invisibility stacks it to the caster!

    We should deny them the ability to buff up, that way we stack it in the favor of fighters with knockdown!

    Seriously folks, every different type of fight is going to be better suited to some different type of character…and even then nothing is certain. Taking away a mages main ability to buff (go unseen, and buff) in an all out battle is like taking Knockdown and a weapon away from a fighter and expecting them not to care.

  • The point is a mage who has time to prepare specifially for a fight can take all the right spells, same with clerics and druids, maybe have a caster battle, and a straight fighter fight night, were you dont hafta worry bout hold person etc.

  • 2-on-2 anything goes was a blast! Please do that again!

    Also, having it in the town hall was a big improvement lag-wise. The lag used to ruin it for me.


    I think Invisibility should be added to the list of things not done, it is a show stopper, boring and its like kiting, if the fights were in the open plains, …
    so cutting down on little exploits like casting invisibility and self buffing would just make it more entertaining and a better experience.

    That's not an exploit, it's a fair tactic. The ring is not that small that you could swing wildly and hit somebody. I used invisibility in two fights tonight and I thought both of them were pretty good, showy displays. Besides, I think you can afford to wait all of ten or twenty seconds without seeing blood splatter. Is a little suspense really all that bad? I don't see why having to guess where somebody is and what they're doing is any less fun than watching two people just stand there and hit each other, with no tactics or variety other than KD and expertise. Anyone who turns invisible for more than a few rounds is probably wasting their time anyway.

  • the levels 1-8 could be comparable, i dont think many level 1,2,3 show up for fightnight as it is and if so mostly just to watch. thus the second tier would consist of mainly 5,6,7,8

    You could also have a cap and say tier two is for the above mentioned levels.

    the top tier could be 9, 10, 11, 12 and well do levels 13 and up really need their ego stroked or the gold and items they may win? probally not, let the server semi rebalance itself by allowing persons who have nothing to get a bit of glory.

    i think the 4 level spread is fair as it would come down to tactics, kit, class, and luck(rolls)

    also another thing, even in anything goes fights(cept healing and buffing before hand) I think Invisibility should be added to the list of things not done, it is a show stopper, boring and its like kiting, if the fights were in the open plains, were a stealther could stealth and an archer could kite or take up a position on a hill or ledge and fire down at his opponent it would be better but this is a fight in a "ring" so cutting down on little exploits like casting invisibility and self buffing would just make it more entertaining and a better experience.

  • I agree with the suggestion - unfortunately, the problem with tiers is where is the cut off point? If you make it two tiers, one levels six and below, the other seven and above, the level sixes will always win, and the higher levels will still win their own tier. Level sevens will complain about not being able to compete against lower levels, and it just seems like it would be a big mess.

    Though I like where this is headed. If only there were some ideal way of splitting people into tiers! Dramatic sigh

  • My ideas for Fight night would be as followed

    Have a hard cap and a timing to submit to compete, if your late, your watching, none of this last minute showing up BS

    also for fights were it is one on one types, perhaps have two tiers

    so that perhaps newer players can win some nice items or money, instead of the rich players always getting richer by winning these tournaments

    Basically it is no fun to show up if you get your ass handed to you by Grag in the first round of a fight, nor is it fair to have people showing up for archery or fight tournies half way through it.

    Everyone knows when it is, and if they cant be IG right away they should PM someone or have someone else pay their way beforehand.

    All the fight nights and festivals were PVP has happened I have not enjoyed it because it caters toward High levels, which means only a slice of the server gets to have any fun.

    These are my suggestions

  • @1479ef0c32=metagod:

    i once rolled 36 on my attack roll and still missed the target completely.

    Attack roll is ignored by the archery target script, true strike is also ignored I believe as are bless etc.
    Various feats are given a weighting as is BAB & Dex. and it's all put into a really big random roll, so the random factor outweighs the skill factor untill you get to truely epic levels of bow skill, but once you have it…..

  • This is a question more than a comment or suggestion, but does it take wisdom into account for those with zen archery? If not, it should.

  • i once rolled 36 on my attack roll and still missed the target completely.

  • @ec7cda8218:

    The archery targets do take stats, skill and feats directly into effect. It's just done in scripting behind the scenes. Robyn would routinely get Bull-eye's 1 out of 3 shots.

    Can someone please confirm this? If this is true, it opens up a whole can of worms for me. Are bow stats taken into accout? If so, I'll need to start providing standard bows, darts, crossbows..ugh, what a pain.

  • @e65a7a7169=Scutum:

    I don't suppose there is a way to make archery targets that represent archery skill as opposed to being a coin toss? It is a bit goofy seeing a dwarf with a sling or some human cleric with a crossbow routinely winning, beating the elven rangers and other archers.

    The archery targets do take stats, skill and feats directly into effect. It's just done in scripting behind the scenes. Robyn would routinely get Bull-eye's 1 out of 3 shots.

    The thing is, it also takes BAB into account, which it should. A high level Dwarf like Maythor or Foilir may have a low DEX score, but a +12 BAB with a DEX of 10 is the same as a +8 BAB with a DEX of 16 and weapon focus longbow

    For what it's worth, I practice traditional archery. In matches, scores are kept separate depending on bow type. If you shoot crossbow, you cannot compete directly with someone shooting a longbow, or even a recurve. Crossbows are FAR easier to be accurate with than bows. It's just not represented in game. Recurves are also slightly more accurate than most longbows.

    The only real advantage bows have is rate of fire. Part of the tournaments I participate in includes a speed round, in which you have 30 seconds to shoot as many arrows as you can at a target. I shoot 5-6, but a woman in our group routinely shoots 8, and has gone as high as 10. You can't do that (easily) with a crossbow. The best I know of in the this part of the country is 15…and they were all bulls-eyes. Yes, 20th level archers still exist.

  • @0f32e2ad8c=Scutum:

    I don't suppose there is a way to make archery targets that represent archery skill as opposed to being a coin toss? It is a bit goofy seeing a dwarf with a sling or some human cleric with a crossbow routinely winning, beating the elven rangers and other archers.

    To be honest, I love the targets exactly as they are. I dont want them changed. Its the one event that litteraly anyone can play, regardless of lvl or skill. Where in the fights, youre hosed at lower lvl.

  • @1ef2ff20dc=Scutum:

    I don't suppose there is a way to make archery targets that represent archery skill as opposed to being a coin toss? It is a bit goofy seeing a dwarf with a sling or some human cleric with a crossbow routinely winning, beating the elven rangers and other archers.

    How exactly would we measure that?

  • The Halfling Defence League

    And yeah…reiterating the whisper channel stuff. It's ALWAYS a pain keeping track of what's going on when text is flying at ten thousand miles a second in the talk channel.

    And also, make sure to give us druids a chance to make life difficult for folks looking to do animal fights :twisted:

  • Stunning fist is a precise strike to a nerve-point, usually. While monks do rather well at unarmed combat (no! really?) they do get hammered in any contest allowing equipment, since the monk items are worse than the armor available.

    I can see that disallowing knockdown and leg-sweeps in a boxing match is fair. You can even rule that 'no funny monk stuff' like stunning fist is allowed. I know some fighters refuse to fight handicapped by the lack of their favorite armor/weapon. Some monks would refuse to fight if they're forced to blunt their skills similarly. That doesn't matter.

    Set the terms for the fights, see who joins in, the Winner gets the Prizes. Simple. I'd suggest running any contest of 'Skill' without items, though. Some of us have some ridiculous gear and it's daft to fight people of comparable skill who don't have the extra bonuses from their equipment.

    And, run the fight in a place where a No rules 'Free-for-all' is truly free. Call lightning, fireball, HoldPerson and caltrops, whatever. Anything goes.

  • I don't suppose there is a way to make archery targets that represent archery skill as opposed to being a coin toss? It is a bit goofy seeing a dwarf with a sling or some human cleric with a crossbow routinely winning, beating the elven rangers and other archers.