OOC: Fight Night - rules, ideas and sugestions

  • @582d988c85:

    Also, in that vein….I think adding in monstrous slaves, like captured orcs, lizardfolk, saurials, and bugbears would be a kinda cool idea...sorta like...forcing em to fight.

    If you wanted to quickly become an evil town, indeed….

  • The Halfling Defence League


  • @ee3f383d5e=Fadia:

    Also, in that vein….I think adding in monstrous slaves, like captured orcs, lizardfolk, saurials, and bugbears would be a kinda cool idea...sorta like...forcing em to fight. :twisted:

    "Two orcs enter! One orc leaves!"


  • The Halfling Defence League


    Can always have some special fights.

    Vs a certain beast etc. Or just gamble on a fight between two animals. That last one was for the druids

    As long as DM's give us droods an opportunity to interfere :twisted: :twisted:

    Reduce norwickians' entertainment to watching Foilir vs. Cows would be…entertaining.

    Also, in that vein....I think adding in monstrous slaves, like captured orcs, lizardfolk, saurials, and bugbears would be a kinda cool idea...sorta like...forcing em to fight. :twisted:

  • As do I… But for me, it's reached a point of it no longer being fun because I'm trying to stay still to minimize choppiness, and trying to keep up with everyone's writing..

    If moving it inside will help to solve it, then hell, give it a shot.

  • I really don't think it's a problem with people's individual computers, but rather a problem with the server trying to handle 30+ people crammed together. I could be mistaken though.

    As for the spreading it out… my character has a vested interest in keeping things together so I can get more 'customers'. Also switching to having it in seperate locations will stop PCs from spectating multiple events, and generally catching up and gathering as they do. I rather like the small, social feel to the fight nights that we have currently.

  • Fight Nights seem to be going well. But yes, large groups of players come hand in hand with just as many problems. Moving the competition indoors is a thought. I was going to suggest moving each competition to different maps alltogether. That seemed as though it would clear up the whole lag and seizure-triggering talking. But whispering would help to clear up the latter, and I suppose moving it indoors would help reduce lag.

    But the main reason I'd suggest seperate locations for each event is this - At the last fight night, my graphics card nearly exploded. It seemed as though I was running a 2 FPS. I'd click, then jump a tile every three seconds. And you guys think you have a hard time reading text? Try reading it when 15 messages pop up at once as your graphics card seems to be fighting an uphill battle against the evils of Fight Night. Granted, it wasn't my best card on my greatest computer, but I don't think I'm the only one who has this problem. I was running graphics on the lowest settings, and it still wouldn't get any better. Fortunately, I'm getting a new comp so that won't be a problem for me (hopefully)…but I'm sure others will be stuck with the problem for a while. At the first Fight Night I attended, I didn't have this problem...atleast not as bad. The problem seemed to start when, while the archery competition was taking place, some people started fighting in the ring just a few steps away from the archery range. My computer had a hard time keeping up with all the things happening at once. I ended up just having to stand around and try to keep my comp from crashing instead of enjoying the event.

    So I suggest either spacing the competition areas apart, placing them on seperate maps, creating practice areas away from the main events (the people fighting in the ring were just messing around while they were waiting for the archery competition to finish up) so people can mess around there, or disallowing practicing alltogether.

    If this is just a problem for me, then whatever. I'll get over it. And maybe moving it indoors will help. shrugs I don't know. Just some thoughts and concerns I had. Sorry for the long read. =P

    Aside from that, everything seemed to go over well. All the organizers seem to have everything well prepared and put together, and a lot of people are participating. So far, so good!

  • The problem with 7pm on a sunday is that that's midnight for the UK and 1am for mainland Europe, so you lose the Euro third of the server who have to work on monday.

  • As for the time, I can't make it -earlier- than 7pm on Sundays, so it suits me just fine as is.

    If there was a way for advance signups and brackets, I'd see if there was some way for Ann to lay odds on particular fights or whole tournaments. Also if people wanted Ann to broker wagers on the individual fights, I'd be willing to try and figure out a system.

  • I love it, but the lag is ridiculously bad. We absolutely must move it indoors, say, the town hall, at least until we get the new arena added.

  • I'll second Hito's suggestion about the whisper channel. More than once, May had to send me tells that Penny was ignoring customers because I was too busy seizing in a little ball on the floor from the speed the chat screen was moving. :evil:

    I also like using the city hall (or a specially made building or interior map) for the fights to keep the placeable requirement to a minimum to help with lag. I can give a hand with basic toolsetting if any of the busy devs wants help with an interior (though I am a scripting liability, so just basic interior design please).

    I'll also second Dwin's comment on folks who speak up. Penny needs people to auction (btw, she's coming for you Raisa…). 😄

  • Well, the fight nights are open to everyone. I've mentioned more than once I would allow bugbear contestants (or other creatures) as long as they respect local laws and no fighting outside the ring…

  • Legion

    I like herrold's beast ideas.. 2 dire tigers vs. 1 pc or dire bear etc… bugbear blackguards the ideas are limitless there. I always liked it when a dm possesed a creature and entered A contest was always a good time...

  • @0a5fa1754e=Fadia:

    Just a logistical thing, but i would recommend that conversations be kept to the whisper channel to keep peoples' eyes from bleeding. If someone wants to call someone over, that can be in the talk channel, and announcements by the people running it can be made in talk too, but as for the rest, it would be much easier to keep track of what's happening.


    I mean: /w word

    I think that the archery and the melee should be far enough apart that they dont compete with each other conversationally. whipsers are a great idea. anyone that speaks up without a good reason gets auctioned.

  • We can run two. THat is a good idea.

    As well as an area tailored to it.

    Can always have some special fights.

    Vs a certain beast etc. Or just gamble on a fight between two animals. That last one was for the druids

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Just a logistical thing, but i would recommend that conversations be kept to the whisper channel to keep peoples' eyes from bleeding. If someone wants to call someone over, that can be in the talk channel, and announcements by the people running it can be made in talk too, but as for the rest, it would be much easier to keep track of what's happening.

  • its always difficult to come up with a worldwide time that suits everyone. I, for one, wouldnt be able to ever do a Saturday.

    Perhaps we need to offer 2 events? Maybe a Euro_DM could run one at a better time for European players?

  • About the time of the event..Im euro, and dont mind what hour it is set, as long as it is on satturday, cause sunday i DONT have to wake up early in the morning. So i suggest to do them on satturdays, no matter what hour.

  • Legion

    you could do some cool things like…
    Winner of archery contest wk/such and such.... and then let them have free entry next time or maybe some kind of cool idea to attract the winner of the previous time.

    also mix it up with maybe a tandom 2vs. 2 tag team thing or 2vs.2 anything goes/or boxing no magic is always a little more fun then the one on one.

    I loved the guild wars was fun time 🙂

  • Ah, Scutum… such a genius!

    these and other ideas are being taken care of as-we-speak. in fact, a tour through New Norwick will show you some archery targets, etc.