A bloody hunt in the lands of the lizardfolk

  • _Sometime during the day observers from the walls of Peltarch see battle raging in the lands of the lizardfolk. An excursion by a small party from the south made camp outside the swampy grasslands and then took the area by storm, killing everyone they could find and performing some sort of rituals on the lizardfolk altar.

    Reports from the Defenders at the Watchtower confirm six-to-eight hunters trekking north, some of whom were seen heading immediately back before the incident took place. The presence of a man in dark crimson armor and at least one Legionnaire were noted, as well as a woman openly displaying the regalia of Umberlee the Bitch Queen of the Seas._

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    For those in communication with the lizard people it can be discovered (assuming they are forthcoming) that one of the priestesses was the target of the attack, and that her remains were ritually torn assunder and the body left in shreds upon her own altar.
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