• //ooc on
    This is just a note so everyone is aware (since the locking seems to have happened in the rumors thread): the gates to the cemetary in Norwick are to be considered locked, and the Norwick Militia and NPC guards are arresting anyone passing through.

    Please do not pass through without considerable effort to conceal yourself, since neither of these facts are currently scripted and we all have to just RP that guards are watching the gates and that the gates are chained and locked.

    //ooc off

  • Several guards come over to the gates, one unlocks them, and then joins the others in a double-guard of the gates.

    Boss says no one is to go in unless he or the pasty-one approves it.

    ((the gates have now been unlocked, but the guards will not let anyone through without expressed approval of Dwin, Milshot or Lucid.))

  • ((the gate would have to be the norwick one not the graveyard one as the undead would destroy the graveyard gate 😛 ))

  • Just asking if it's the gate on the norwick side (ie, the one on the norwick map) or the one on the graveyard side (the one on the graveyard map, still pointing toward norwick).

    It's the difference between being able to go around norwick, and NOT being able to go around Norwick.

  • (( locking the gates from the town side would keep the undead from entering town, or at least slow them down. The holes in the gate lead to the rawlins. The undead would have to circle round to the south gate to get in, which is (hopefully) guarded. If nothing else, locking the norwick side of the gate should make the people of norwick (npc commoners, etc) feel somewhat safer. ))

  • @b8ef75f2ee=Sethan:

    // *chuckles at the idea of locking gates to keep people out or things in, when there are great gaping holes in the walls on the other side of those gates //

    //Yeah, to be honest, I dont see a point in locking them.

  • // *chuckles at the idea of locking gates to keep people out or things in, when there are great gaping holes in the walls on the other side of those gates //

  • The gates on the norwick side, or the graveyard side?