(for the eyes of Rawlinswood adventurers only)

  • _…deep in the Rawlins a man kneels in a small sanctuary, the grass all about him littered in the blood and entrails of slaughtered fauna. The man raises a hand colored red by both blood and heritage and finishes his chanting devotions; a Divination to the God of Slaughter, Malar.

    As always, this man's activities do not go unnoticed by the wary eyes of the woodlands, and word trickles out to the Rawlinswoods protectors._

    //ooc on
    Mecc has performed a Divination - if a DM wouldn't mind handling the casting, please contact me via PM or in IRC. Thanks!
    //ooc off

  • // Malar isn't some nansy-pansy elf god. Wild magic? Pshhhaw!

  • //with the wild magic in effect no divination is functioning

  • ((didnt know how deep this was in the Rawlins, no planned invasions here 🙂 ))

  • The guards find their way blocked by yards upon yards of impassable vegetation, and an inscription on a tree that reads "Out of your territory. Ask first. -Oreth"

    ((plant growth, 3rd circle, "Overgrowth" function))

  • When Dwin hears word of this he speaks quietly to a few guards, and then to Lucid. The guards head out to the site of the slaughter, Dwin and Lucid head inside to chat.