Ramona's Mission
Ramona Amolisen's Mission from Lurue
After much thinking and observing of the wizard Elridith Cenenthedwa. Ramona has reported to her god. As for the last 5 years of her time spent in the lands of Narfell. Living among the people of Peltarch and Norwick where the people whom contant Elridith. But mainly in Jiyyd where El lives. Lurue sent her to watch this wisard, for the purpose of containing a much horrible evil. The evil wisard of Everska in which she is related to is in fact a reincarnation of himself in her body. So Ramona followed her trail for the past 4 years of her life in narfell. She is doing her time there in the service of her Church. She has been raised in the monestary of the god Lurue, by the human monks which lived there. Her mission as she grew up has been to learn to protect the people of the nearby lands of the evil wizard from Everska. She has been doing this as training to be a Cleric of Lurue. As her final test she was sent to watch Elridith and stop her uncle from taking over her. Elridith is free of this Evil and Ramona is free to do as she pleases now and can leave to home if she wants to.