...a man in crimson...

  • Adventurers in the Rawlins mention a fully armored man in dark and crimson, bleeding himself ritually and blessing hunters in the name of some god of slaughter.
    The man kept himself some distance from the town walls except once when he approached Norwick's stalwart guards through the remains of shattered gates and handed them a box of carefully packed nasty weapons.

    "Recovered… from the ....bugbear... clans," he said in a dull monotone, "…see if you... can find... some use...for them."

    //ooc on
    I just wanted to test out my new hotkeys and re-familiarize myself with NWN combat. I'm tossing the magic weaponry in those burning barrels. If the Norwickers can actually use them, this is what I gave them:
    8 morningstars+1 (evil only)
    2 greataxes+1 (evil only)
    40 scourge darts (evil only)
    1 corrupted staff (evil only)
    //ooc off

  • A man watches the woods from the shadows, his form concealed, a smile curls on his face and few words are uttered, the sound of his robes can be heard as he heads deeper into the rawlins.. "It's been a long time…"

  • The large great helm of jutting jawbones swivels slowly as the man looks back. After a pause, a dull monotone answers the chancellor.


  • Before the man in red leaves rando shouts

    " Hey Mecc! I thought you were dead. where you been?"