A note tacked to the door of the hut

  • "My dearest fellow campers. This is a small note to let you all know that Mingal and I have finally set a date for our wedding. It will be in two months, when the sun is high. We will be having it of course in the outer camp so that all of our friends may attend. We do hope to see you all there.

    ((ooc, saturday, september 18th at 12 noon eastern time))

  • 'If someone could please tell Torch and the happy couple that I need to see them sometime I'd be grateful. Need to apologise for not making the ceremony.
    Kate (Kathryn MountainHeart)'

  • Nico is seen around camp still talking of the wedding and the role he played in it. Also some people talk about the honeymoon he sent the couple on to the southern town of Hillsfar where the newly married couple spent two tenday before their return recently.

    ((Great wedding guys. Now Nico needs to find a woman. Where is Shalia when you need her? :P))

  • Mirkali is seen re-stocking on Romani Wines, when he wanders by and spots the note, then grinning slightly to himself, taking a swig from one of the wine bottles

    "About damned time. Tae way tae two suck face and argue later would make ya think they're already married. Eh, at least they aren't taking as long as Talgrath and Mery, or…"

    Trails off, then smirks to himself, taking another swig of the wine bottle as he walks off