The path of Val Zhan

  • Members of Zhan family has been hunted down and killed by many righteous adventures because centuries ago one member of the clan took a devil for a spouse to gain the power of the abyss. From this diabolic union, the Zhan family has gained many powers from the abyss: magical talents, great physical prowess, and a sharp cunning for evil. They then quickly rose to power in Impiltur by overthrowing the regional lords and challenging the King of the land. The Zhan family fought for one century using their powers to dominate the people under them, until the council of lords rose to confront the demon clan and defeated them in heated combat. In the aftermath people of Impiltur feared that the Zhans would rise again and decided to take preventive action. So, the Zhan family descendents were hunted down and exterminated until all traces of their blood were vanquished.

    200 years later, a boy named Val Tao was brought out into the wild of Rashemen with his parents to his grandfather's house. They were concerned with young Val because his grandfather saw the signs of Zhan blood in Val. He had all the marks of the Zhan devil blood: the platinum blonde hair, the deep jade eyes, incredible physical health, and a natural ability with magic. Val's parents left him with his grandfather, so that the old man could explain to Val his the Tao family history and their true name. Val's grandfather explained how one man fled from Impiltur to Rashemaen and changed his family name. Val was told about several cursed members of the Tao family who had great strength but lost control of it, becoming devils. He also learned that about the history and destruction of the Zhans. Val understood this and became filled with hate for both his family and their executers. Val's grandfather told him that this hate would grow in him until he turned into a devil, unless he was willing to fight it.

    Val then sought a way he could to control the devil inside him that longed for control of him soul. Val decided to join an Old Order monastery, where he learned to increase his mental discipline through meditation and mastering unarmed combat. He studied karma and came to realize that was destined to suffer for his family's past transgressions.

    After five years of intense training at the monastery the Abbot of the monastery told Val that if wanted to achieve total control of himself that he must go out into the world and travel. Only by confronting his past and experiencing the world could Val free himself from his dark heritage. He took he original family name to better embrace his struggle within himself and Val Zhan set out of the monastery, walking with the rising sun at his back, not knowing if he could succeed against the evil within him.

    player id: jan_sam
    character: Val Zhan

  • Reviewed - XP Pending.