Jiyyd - Reactions to current events

  • the purple attired vittorio sits by the fire as he does sometimes… watching and laughing to himself in his ever cynical mood..

    "What she fails to notice is... how often does the legion go off to kill said orcs and instigate such danger upon the town itself with their slash and run system. Amusing story this will be, as ever."

  • @bb883a9b41=Oreth:

    Oreth notices Lyte glowering about at the helmites and such, and flicks a slingstone at her head to get her attention, before adding, monotone

    If you think any harder at them, they might even hear you. Or explode.

    Just to be safe, did you wish to say something? I do not relish the idea of being struck by flying armor bits from exploding helmites….

    Lyte shrugs and speaks quietly, with passion, but obvious control.

    _" I stand here every day guarding the west gate, seldom sitting, always in the same spot. I have done this for the past 17 years here. No one stands more at these gates, except for the paid guards.

    I do this without pay, I do this because I care about Jiyyd, as do my brothers and sisters in the Legion.

    This is indesputable proof in itself that these words being spoken are dishonorable garbage.

    Jiyyd has stood for the better part of a century with the Legion aiding in it's protection. We have always been here when trouble is afoot, unlike these masked newcomers who stand around spreading lies."

    She looks about at Jiyyd's clean, fresh buildings

    "Jiyyd stands proud and intact still, does it not?

    What does this say about these "words" being spoken against the Legion?

    I thought that these helmites were good men. Why do lies spew forth when they open their mouths?

    Arent they interested in the common welfare of Jiyyd?

    Do they seek money and power instead, tossing rumor and untruths about as if they were foul orcs, rather than honest men?

    I have always believed in working to do my best, to do what is right and just.

    We each should look at the flaws in our own selves, work to improve these things and not disparage others who are trying to do their best to work for the common good.

    If we did this, there would be no needless lies or lazy gossip, and we would all be pitching in to work together.

    These lies, this dark gossip is the stuff of bad karma, and I want no part in these discussions, as of course, no one who is good of heart will involve themselves in."

    She watches the gate stoically_

  • The Fool stands silently off to the side, gazing out of cold lavender eyes, watching the politics unfold.

    He looks out over the gathered crowd, seeking out the faces of those who have been most receptive to the entreaties he has made on Dwin's behalf.

    He has been carefully guiding them to support Dwin for months in various forms. Sometimes a farmer, a cartwright, a housewife… He has been talking to those whose opinions seem the most valued by others, for to sway them would sway all those who held their opinion in high regard.

    He also scans the faces of those gathered, to seek out those minions on his personal payroll. Meeting their gaze and nodding slowely.

    He smiles as Dwin asks the Helmites to help form a militia. It was a brilliant move.

    In this power play, the major players were the Helmites and the Legion. Dwin was the Wild Card, which is why he had so easily won Fool's support.

    Dwin had very carefully avoided picking sides. That was good. His entreaty to the Helmites was almost a challenge to the validity of their intentions. It worked out well for them no matter how the Helmites answered.

    If they refused to help Dwin form a militia, people would wonder why, and Fool would play off of their apprehension.

    A request for help forming a militia to protect the town was not in and of itself politically charged, but the refusal of the Helmites could shift power to the Legion if the Helmites lost the trust of the people so early in the game.

    Of course if the Helmites agreed to help Dwin form a militia, it would solidify Dwin's base of power.

    It was also good that he mentioned a common defense for for both Norwick and Jiyyd. It would lay the groundwork for things to come.

    Yes... things were working out swimmingly. Fool smiled his little smile and turned away from the crowd to go and offer his services as a pie-baker extrordinaire to Drudo. He could feel the tingle of anticipation in the air, like standing at the edge of a storm. He drew strength from the raw potential for chaos as he walked over to Drudo's shop.

    Once he had put Dwin in power, he could secure the Jiyyd Menhir, along with the ley-line intersection. The Silver Valley Menhir would also be safe, and he would be in a good position to secure the Norwick Menhir. That would only leave the one in the pass, the one on the beach, the one on the plains, and the one in the Rawlins.

    Swimmingly indeed...


  • Oreth notices Lyte glowering about at the helmites and such, and flicks a slingstone at her head to get her attention, before adding, monotone

    If you think any harder at them, they might even hear you. Or explode.

    Just to be safe, did you wish to say something? I do not relish the idea of being struck by flying armor bits from exploding helmites….

  • *General Lyte listens to the wildly undisciplined, self-politicising liars who belittle those who have fought and died bravely scores of times for decades defending Jiyyd's walls, and looks in wonder on these sad people who only pretend to serve Helm in a "good" fashion, when it is clear to her they cannot be, when plain, obvious, lies spew from their hidden, masked faces.

    She shakes her head in wonderment at these evil lies pointlessly strewn about by these people who act so very unlike good people.

    Then, without lowering herself to embroil Jiyyd into a pointless, idiotic conflict with a mob of fibbing, unemployed newcomers bleating for jobs, she simply stands with her bow in the same worn spot, 12 paces from the western gate, as she has done daily for the past dozen years….which of course, everyone who has actually resided in the town a long time, who isnt blind, already is accustomed to seeing.*

  • Upon walking through the discusion on his way to the temple of Helm Mariston listens for a time

    Regarding the role of the Helmites in Jiyyds defence that is an ecumenical matter not one for partisan politics of the lowest order. Aid will be forth coming I am sure. That is of course if tis allowed. Some wouldst see the people here suffer rather than allow aid to the walls only to further their own petty lust for power.

  • Dwin smirks at the comment about dwarves, and then chuckles at the end of Zyphlin's performance

    You'd never know the lad is on the Legion payroll with a performance like that, would ya?

    I dont think these folks in Jiyyd are interested in anything except bein' safe. This aint about slingin'-mud like yer makin it out to be… its just about stayin safe... and knowin' who we can count on.

    Seems to me we got all the right tools in the box, they just aint bein used in the right ways...

  • Where were these Helmites when the Slaadi's would attack years ago, and were turned back with the help of Grag and the Legion?

    Where were these Helmites at when the Legion has taken down orc leader, after orc leader, in defense of this city.

    Where were these Helmites when Duergar flooded forth from Mintas and attempted to assult Jiyyd only to be turned back by axe and sword?

    Where were these Helmites when Eastlanders threw thier forces against the gates of jiyyd? Or Hobgoblins? Or Giants? Or Elementals? Or the Enchantress?

    No, all those can be forgotten. The memories of dozens and dozens of citizens can be swayed becuase a few dwarves that befoul the reputation of thier race enjoy to laugh and snicker about "legion tactics" while not giving a damn about a thing save for the gold that lines thier pockets. Can be thought to be swayed by some Zealots in red and gold, that sweep into town, and will try to make everyone think that somehow if they were here all that wouldn't magically happen and the place would just be in peace.

    I remember a Zealot like that once. I remember many thinking him nothing to worry about. I remember many thinking how they can just make a few gold off him. And I remember the amount of death and destruction his idiocy, pride, and ego caused…not just to the city up north but to all of Narfell.

    If you wish to aid this town, aid it and do so with honor and valor. Do not do it by taking the popular route of the few miscreants that care not but for themselves and go attempting to belittle a man and people who have faught, died, and faught again for this city without asking of thanks or compensation.

    But no doubt tomorrow will be yet another day of a few people trying to throw the Legion to the wolves once more, just to further thier own zealtous or greedy cause. I only hope, and pray to Tymora, that the citizens of Jiyyd continue to see the truth.

  • seizing the opportunity…

    Perhaps these Helmite lads can help with the formation of a Militia? I keep hearin rumors about one bein' formed, but I aint seen anything come of it yet.

    I volunteer me own services to help it get goin' as i know a thing or two about it.

    The time is right fer Jiyyd and Norwick to be helpin each other. Much like two miners down in the same shaft together, Jiyyd an Norwick are ferever connected in the southern Nars by location… seems right that we ought to be havin a common defense force as well...

    Dwin scans the crowd for any of his lavendar-eyed supporters…

  • Deacon, being the wiseass he is, just comments..

    _Been telling ye all along..

    Not that them helmites be doing an all proper job, mind ye._

  • Darya hears of the new Helmite stance while chatting in the commons, and is heard to cackle in amusement.

    _"Aye, th' Red Army, or Legion, or whatever they be callin' themselves these days be always better at runnin' off an hittin' things than defendin' a place. Mind y', they be very good at hittin' things. An usually when y' get em there an defendin', they be pretty formidable… bring a lot a firepower, fer sure. Thing is, they ain't what I'd call reliable, see? Lots a times when th' enemy come a-poundin' a gates, they jus'... ain't there. They be off hittin' somethin' somewhere else. They's an asset t' Jiyyd's defense, but I'd nae want em as th' only thing tween Jiyyd an th' orcs.

    "Of course, th' Helmites.... cackle ach, many a fine knight a Helm wha' operates out a Jiyyd, an I raise a glass t' them an their god. But if they canna even keep one single man fra bein' snatched outta their own temple… ach, sorry t' em, I nae exactly think they be up t' guardin' th' town til they can turn a better performance than that. Could be they jus' had a bad day, but it's nae exactly a sign a confidence, eh?"_

    Someone asks her who she thinks should defend Jiyyd, then.

    "Both a em. Plus th' watchmen wha' have served th' town so well. An th' uns wha' usually make th' difference… th' rabble a itinerant adventurers wha' drift in an out. They might as well be good fer somethin', aye?"
