*small note*

  • _Elridith and a small party were able to make their way through the plains. Although they tried to speak to the orcs there was no use and the group had to put them down. Some of the other members might mention Elridith seem to be in a very flustered and angry mood. Several ideas were tossed around as to what they should do, but all they did was leave a note pinned to the main gate of the orc fortress.

    It reads in Orkish:

    Orcs, I have come today with a request for the opporturnity to negociate. Im sure there is something that can be agreed upon. As per the item, I would like to negociate for the release of some or even possibly all of the hostages in your posession currently. I do not know if such negociations have been tried in the past but I sincerely wish for a worthwile reply. Leave a note at the top of the hill with the mehir on it in the central plains if you even wish to consider any negociations with me.

    Elridith walks away from the gate with a shrug and glances to Juster, Raryldor, and Sklar.
    "Guess it's worth a try right…"
    Sklar, El, and Juster all nod and shrug together and they start to make their way back to Jiyyd without encountering anymore orc. Elridith pulls out her journal on the way back jotting down ideas. A smile spreads over her face as a few cross her mind._

  • :: A black feathered arrow with a serated tip is shot in the dead of night, landing in the ground near the menhir. Attached to it, is the original message. It would seem that a rather large nail has clawed through the center of it, and the message seems very, very wrinkled::

    • Foilir listens chuckling to the Legionaire as he causally devalues the death of the two innocents that have no part of this feud *

    "Yeh piss better stink stronger den ders…"

    • Looks at William *

    "Anna me is nae talkin deh stink of fear of dem yellow streaks runnin down yeh leg when he stare at a large orc...."

    • Casually turns away *

    "Me is talkin deh stink dat tell anudder orc dat he nae in charge anymore.."

    • Sniffs and shakes his head *

    "Sumun eer better start runnin...."

  • @1c111966af=Sethan:

    They kill two, I will kill hundreds.

    Others will kill hundreds more.

    Eventually they will learn this is a poor trade.

    Those are big words. You got the nerve to follow em up?

    Yer idea works…until you are one of the two they dismember and make a stew outta yer inards.

    …then the poor trade is probably on yer side.

    Tis a chance ya take I guess.

  • They kill two, I will kill hundreds.

    Others will kill hundreds more.

    Eventually they will learn this is a poor trade.

  • leavin' negotiatin notes with teh orcs? are ya daft?

    Orcs know 2 things. Challenge, and fear. They aint no different than beasts in the wild… actually, they smell worse.

    If the challenge is too much for em, then they fear it and flee.

    If ya lay on yer belly and deliver 'em love notes dont expect em to do the same. They take that as an act o submission. It only gives em more testicular fortitude to do what they want to.

    No more notes! Please!

  • a pair of mutilated commoners are found staked along the Long Road with the note left on the fortress gates pinned to one of the bodies. In addition to the words of the original note, the following is added, in Orcish:

    People of Jiyyd, keep yourselves out of our lands! This will not be tolerated and until you stop the attacks, we continue to kill those we have captured. The deaths are on your hands and their blood will stain you ground forever!

    The note is nailed to the forhead of one of the commmoners