Death on the Nars roadside!

  • _Jorg and his brother, Thurg, aren't the brightest of Norwick's toughs. They made names for themselves during the goblin boom a few years back and have been living off greenback coin since, mostly spent on drinks and girls in the Boars.

    It was a pleasant-enough day when Thurg decided their coin supply needed some emergency assistance so the two of them set off north to see if they could cut enough gold from the hobgoblins to set themselves up for another few months.

    {a few hours pass}

    …the doors of the tavern burst open just as dusk began to set in. Jorg, covered in blood (some of it his) stumbled through the oak portal with a look of fury and anxiety playing about his face._ "They got Thurg, they did!" he cried in a booming voice. "They bloody killed my brother! And two of Norwick's guardsmen too!"

    _Adventurers rushed to the man's aid and they quickly set out. The hobgoblins were still gathered about the corpses near Sam's Hill, numbering almost a score with blades bristling and witchdoctors weighed down by the skulls of their victims.

    It was a decisive battle, as are such things when Norwick's heroes are involved. Bolts of magic and fire careened about the snowy expanse until nothing moved. Jorg ran to his brother, and the heroes ran for the bodies.

    Before long the hobgoblins had been stripped and the guardsmen separated from the humanoid ilk. The troupe headed home and the guards were passed to their commanding officer who's stern face belied his concern._ "Hobgoblins didn't do this…" _he said aloud as he survery the bodies of his subordinates, ripped apart and …eaten… by man-sized incisors.

    Rumors abound and one ranger at least confirms that there was a dead hobgoblin arcanist on the scene who also appeared to have been consumed, though the marks of the wounds were more deliberate and less destructive. The hobgoblin appears of life, and perhaps even of soul._

    To investigate please contact the DM Involved: Caoimh