A killer on the loose
Login Name: RobBoberto
char name: Inmate 86153a letter is sent to the Captain of the Guard
Prison Records
Inmate #86153
Action: Series of murder, over a period of 5 months
Sentence: Life in PrisonDear Captain, im sorry to report to you the following situation, but i feel and know that it is my duty to warn you of the trouble headed your way. A man by the name of Zar, has escaped his cell, our prison, and out territories in the last few days. By the time we found a tracker capable of trailing him it only led us to the docks. waht we learned there is what involves you into this situation. A hooded man fitting his discription is said to have 'took the place' of another passanger. It was a skechy situation explain the man helping us but he had all the information her needed to replace the woman. it wasn't for two weeks that we found the body of Mary Sniders, hidden amoung the rotten ropes of the fishermen. I'm sorry captain, i wish i had more to tell you besides the fact that the ship was sailing to Peltarch. His escape is still under investigation and when we find out more about it we'll write you again. May Torm protect your city.
A ship sails into the Peltarch harbor, surprizingly theres no stow-aways. But there is a discrepency in one of the passengers tickets. As the ship make's berth and the passengers begin to unload themselves. A few of the city guard is called to enforce some of the dock workers confronting a hooded figure. Not much is visible of the man except for his very white teeth and a largish nose with scare running arcoss it. The captain of the ship points this hooded man out to the dock workers, who in turn call the guard to catch up as the begin to walk over to him. The hooded figure, seems unaware of his soon to be visiters as he searchs through the luggage for something. As the dock workers reach him he spins around and decks one worker with a gaff he appeared to have found in the luggage. The hooded man lunges and stabs a second dock worker to the horror of the third and races past him and the guards before then can reach him. There he goes, a free murderer loose in the City, the guard no doubt will hunt him, and the gangs whom run the docks can't be happy after loosing a few of their own.
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