Arizima Sepret

  • The happy young couple lay their child in her crib in the main room as the lights of the sky began to dim. They watched as a pixie landed beside her. "She is a natural," The loving young father said as he lit a small oil lamp. "She is not paladin, she will never take my place in the order, but she will do many good things in life." He took his wifes hand and led her into their bed chambers, "Come, we should retire, you know that she will be up in just a few hours, hungry for her milk."
    Morning. The mother is awake with a start.

    Something is not right!

    She quickly shakes her husband awake. "Get up! She is only a month old! She did not wake us." The father jumps out of bed and rushes to the crib. Peering over the side he lets out a terrified cry.The mother runs in and looks faint as she sees what has got her husband so upset.

    The baby girl is gone!

    In her place, curled up tight and ready to strike, a cobra.He grabs the snake deftly as it strikes his wife, crushing the snake between his hands.
    He looks at each one of the gathered, the snake still tight in his fist. "They took my child, killed my wife. You are more than fellow members of the order. You are fathers and husbands, brother and sons. I would do the same for each one of you. Please, help me. We must find her." He falls to his knees, the emotion of the day finally getting to him. The leader of the order steps foward, placing a hand on the young mans shoulder. "We will help you brother. When the sun rises we will depart. Though what we are dealing with is not the most pleasent of people, and the road coupld prove empty to you, we will try."

    Three years later

    The priest looked at the toddler as the faithful held her down. "This will only hurt for for a moment, my dear. PLease just try and stay still."
    The girl lets out a shriek, tears slipping down her little cheeks as the priest carves designs into her body and face, rubbing ink into the wounds.
    Afterwards, the priest pulls her to him, sitting her on his lap and comforting her.
    'You have done very well my dear. You are strong, much stronger than we have ever thought. I am your father now. You will be knowns as Arizima Sepret, and you will make the lord proud"

    4 more years pass. The priest leads the young Arizima to the alter and gently presses the dagger into her hand. "You know what to do." He says and steps back. She looks to him a moment with child eyes and nods, then steps to the alter. She lowers the blade, and starts to chant, then slides the blade into the flesh of the woman who lay tied to the alter. The preist watches with amusement as the child follows his orders. :She is ready," he mumbles under his breath. "You are ready." He repeats to her as he moves up beside her, placing an arm around her shoulder.

    The next day, the devotees gather around the girl, their girl. The priest approached her slowly, a young cleric walking behind him, carrying a chest. The priest opened the chest and produced a set of highly decorated armor, made for her. He knelt and fitted the armorr onto her seven year old body with a small smile. He reached back into the chest and pulled out a sword, still in its sheathe. Before strapping it to her waist he looked her in the eyes. "Do you know why I chose you, out of all the boys and girls around?" he asked softly, his voice fond. "Because you were chosen by Him." He took her small hand in his and brushed his thumb over the small birthmark on the back of her hand. "He gave you this, just as he gave you to us. Are you ready to work?" He hands her the blade and she looks up to him and smiles. "Yes father." The priests eyes move to the young cleric, though he still speaks to her. "On my word I want you to draw your swrord and aim for his heart."

    5 years later. The girl is a robust and strong fighter. Under the markings given to her at a young age she is growing beautiful as she looses her childish looks and becomes a young teenager. She sleeps in the old priests room, in a seperate bed near the door. Both ever viligent, even now, in the darkest hours. Suddenly, as if on cue, they both sit up, their hands reaching for their blades.

    Too late…

    The man in the golden armor pushes a sword though the ribcage of the old priest. Deftly she is on her feet, moving as quietly as possible to the armored man, her sword ready to strike.

    Too late...

    Many hands grab her from behind as the man who stands in front of her whirls around, grabbing her sword hand, trying to wrest the sword from within her grasp. He stops suddenly as his eyes lock onto the hand. He slowly brushes the birthmark with the back of his thumb

    " M...m... muriella?"

    The new father, the birth father, takes her alone into the Nars after talking with the others. "Muriella, I..." She stops him with a raised hand. "Arizima" She says. "My name is Arizima." He continues without stopping, "We have spoken, and you cannot continue to travel with us if you do not change your ways and accept our god as your own." She frowns slightly at this, then suddenly smiles, her voice mocking his. "You are turning me away then.... father?" As she talks her hand slowly moves down to her side and she undoes one of the buckles of the various axes and weapons she carries on her now. She raises the axe quickly and buries it deep into his skull before shrugging slightly and heading south.

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