A sign on the Barracks: New Militia Recruits

  • Dwin steps out and watches the new trainees and seems to be generally happy with their progression.

    • Rando and his training team are handing out punishment duties to the class of trainees for failure to carry issued Militia Staffs at all times whilst in norwick. No name has been given as to who did not, but one fails all get punished. The punishment is running in a squad will full kit, including beding to the hill formally know as Sams 5 times. Looking at the packs they seem to have everything in them apart from the barrack room chairs*


    *is shouted by the trainning team to the trainees

  • A small shape in a ragged blue cloak recoils at the mention of burning back the wood, and spits into the fire.

    _"First a all, fire be nae t' be trusted. Y' try burnin' part a th' wood, an y' may find whole thing aburnin', aye, an part a Norwick too, wha' be wooden an all. Bad enough we've mages an such tossin' fireballs about like maniacs.

    "Second a all, there be a mess a druid in wood wha' gits tempermental-like at folk hurtin' th' precious lil trees an o-possums an bunnies an such. Norwick's expanded inta wood in past, an it's caused trouble atimes.

    "Mebbe as how there be room t' cut back th' wood a bit, but nae go talkin' a burnin', makes a body nervous-like."_

    The dwarf resumes her needlework by the fire, carefully removing the sewed-on name from a bloodstained wallet.


  • Belin throws an ale at Mord

    Oy dat beh un Dolvak Dark, meh kin brew em. Yuh nay ferget ter keep yerself hydrating wit da fluids aye. Nay wunt ter see yuh passin out aye.

    ((alcohol dehydrates for the record and this only constitutes silly fantasy when claiming it hydrates you))

  • Mord finds his body adjusting to the old routines. He has taken to regularly inspecting the walls along the wood where they had been breached before

    He voices one idea to a guard while at the fire

    Should not the wood be cut and burnt further back from the south wall ta prevent enemy spies from gettin so close and providing a broader killin field? Their archers cut us to pieces last time fer the cover they had.

  • Aren mentions that he is going on a patrol to Jiyyd and to meet with friends, however he never returns to Norwick and rumors begin to fly that he was killed by Orcs outside of Jiyyd

  • Shahrazad seems oddly at ease, obeying orders promptly, with nary a complaint. Her weapons and armor are well maintained, although the rest of her gear begins to show signs of wear as she constatnly maintains watches. She makes a point of trying to help citizens with any problems they have, as well as assisting travellers passing through the town. When not on watch, sleeping or assigned a duty, she frequently assists the guards near the crypt with their rounds.

  • Belin seems to take all this with many ales and little comment. Upon finding Dwin alone one night she mutters to him in dwarven

    <d>this had better pay really well or I'll be telling your Ma all about how prosperous you are here and she'll start shipping you potential wives.

    <d>You know Rando was the one to tell us not to go outside the gates during an attack. Rugg and I were the ones who bashed in the gobbers trap doors though. Town would have been overrun if we'd left him to it.

    Belin offers Kerrith some ale and seems not to care about her sharpened teeth beyond remarking

    Yuh got summa sharp fangs der. 'Ere have sum mouth warsh.</d></d>

  • Kerrith chuckles from her usual post on the Archers Tower for the night watch.
    "If you need help Rando just send a couple of the pups to join me on the Night watch. I'll be sure to keep them awake and alert."

    With that she grins ferally showing the canine teeth she sharpens herself.

  • When the drill is over, Lucidious makes his way over to Rando asking for his thoughts on the new recruits. He follows Rando about for a time, asking a few more questions and nodding in agreement to his responses. He then bows respectfully and makes his way back to town hall with a small smile, apparently pleased with Rando's progress.

  • Aren heads back from his post deciding it maybe best to sleep with his gear

  • The helm hides Mords expression as he moves out of the barracks, nudging the recruit in front of him.
    Murmurs quietly as he walks back to his bunk and rearanges his kit for easy access Some things never change from town to town…..

  • Rando marks the time it took to respond, who had the right equipment and who was aware. He tells the trainees to stand down and stow all kit

  • Aren quickly reacts at the sounds of the alarm grabbing his combat gear and throwing on his leather tunic as he sprints out the door and to the gate, once he arrives he sets up a solid fire position and begins finding targets for his arrows

  • Kalith is seen staying near the back and center of the ragtag troop. When asked why he isn't in the forefront:

    I am a cleric, my job is to support and heal. A dead or crippled militiaman can't defend the citizens.

  • Still hanging about at the south gate fire, great guffaws of laughter is heard out of Raver, nearly falling off the bench where she was sitting…. the sight of the ragtag gang rushing out to defend the gates, one of them missing their pants

    Oy there boy! Ye forgot something!

    goes back to laughing herself into fits

  • Rando and one of his training team move in the the trainees barrack room at some ungodly hour and shout


    Rando is making notes who is the slowest or is missing kit as all hell breaks loose as the trainees scramble for their kit and clothes

  • Mords legs feel like they are not part of him as he makes another staggering circuit of the town. His eyes remain pinned on the recruit in front of him and each breath is a searing ache in his side.

    When Rando finally orders them in he staggers towards his room

    He cleans his kit then bolts some food and lays down with a groan. He runs the recruits through his minds eye and wonders who earned them the extra work. He would find out. He was patient. His eyes closed on this thought and his lips thinned into a flat smile.

    It seemed only moments that his eyes were closed before he was dragged out for his rounds. His body was stiff and the air was chill as he moved towards the south gate. mutters Hells and damnation, does it never get warm here…..

  • The Guard turns around with a smile and says

    "Shout at you… Rando.... not our Rando....."

    Just before the guard turns away to carry on his duties he says

    "he more likely to rip off you head if you mess up

    he points to a group of very dirty people all carrying staffs running in a squad around Norwick

    " One of them messed up and they all got punished, be warned failure is not tolerated in the Militia"

  • Aren Ashaller shows up at the barracks in tantered leather armor and a warped long bow, he however is beaming with confidence, he goes to the closest guard and asks him a question

    "Is this Rando character going to yell at me?"