Lurid Poster...

  • Posters appear with the morning across Narfell.


    _"In the Planes of Torment and Despair
    Where Pain and Terror fill the Air
    There rests a great obsidian Chair
    Upone which rests Bane's Derriere

    He rests his pale and pimply Arse
    Upon the cold Volcanic Glass
    Curshed by yet another Farce
    Loviatar Rejected another Pass

    And so another night Alone
    A Virgin on a Virgin's Throne
    Softly fondling his Bone
    He reached down to beneath the Stone

    He pulls out Etching, Sketches too
    Of the one he Really wants to Do
    Over millenia, this lust it grew
    Just like his prick, skinny and blue

    And so we leave him Stroking there
    Until his Orgasm rends the Air
    Ilmater's pics strewn Round his Chair
    In the Planes of Torment and Despair"

    =The Shadow Poet=_

  • ((Posted around similar places to the original))

    **Apologies it seems to me,
    Are due from someone else to thee
    But each and every righteous prole
    Sees fit to blame this blameless soul

    Ask I will and ask I must
    What did I, to earn distrust?
    I speak it’s true from time to time
    In rambling and inflammat’ry rhyme.

    And so it seems a herring red
    Sees fit to raise it’s fishy head.
    And sign my name upon a song
    And does to me a minor wrong.

    Unto Ilmater I bear no ill will
    I’ve rhymed before, and will do still
    I did not however, post this one
    You seek not me to see justice done.

    Apologies are sought though, so
    It cost me naught to bow down low
    And offer to Ilmater’s folk
    A sorry for the poster’s joke.

    I will say this only one time
    The poster of the blasphemous rhyme?
    For them I pray, long life at sea
    I pray for justice, and for Mercy.**

    The Shadow Poet

  • Laughs

    'tis that time of the year again? Mockin' them banites?

    Good fun.

  • Oreth grins, taking the posters from Dwin.

    My thanks.

    He then tears the picture from one, and tucks the corners of it into the scales of his armor, so that the poster is emblazoned across his chest


  • Penny just laughs hysterically.

  • As in Peltarch, Ezachiel spreads the message:

    Find me this poster, and I shall pay you 1000 gold. I will also pay for his head, if you can give me prove that the dead person in question is the poster

  • Dwin asks the guards that removed the posters to present them to Oreth, after realizing that Oreth is into this kinda… stuff.

    These here posters! Tis an offerin' from the Jewel o the Rawlins to our tree-friends of the Forest! May yer tree houses be blessed with these uh… er, fine decorations!

    [d] I knew them folks were odd, but i had no idea they enjoyed such filth! shrugs

  • Oreth does his best to salvage one

  • Lucidious orders the guard to take down any of these posters found in town