What's that you hear...?

  • No screams of death as adventurer's and commonfolk alike fall at the hands of her minions. No cries of anguish as friend cuts down friend due to her spells of confussoin. No hopeless looks upon peoples faces, or murmerings of "Win will this end?" being uttered?

    No, these things have not happened in or near the town, though it was not so just some short time ago.

    The entity known as "The Little Lady", or in length "The Little Lady of Infernus", has been banished from the lands of Toril. No longer will she slay innocent lives, cast her foul magics upon the free people of this land, or set her undead upon children, cities, crops, and people.

    What stopped this threat, who banished her?

    Brave souls that many of you view as some type of pompous plague on this land, and others rightly see them as a shining beacon of hope.

    The Divine Shield and close allies have risked thier live, neigh quite literally thier very souls, in a ritural to banish the little lady from this realm. Failure would have meant eternal damnation and yet, unselfishly, they attempted this act in hopes of aiding the common good of Narfell.

    They have not asked for recognition, nor do they likely feel they need it, but it is the job of Bards to spread the words of heroes and few in this land deserve the title more than them at this time.

    Any of you that have fallen victem to the Lady or her minions, or had close friends fall victem to her, should look kindly upon these souls. The burdern and fight against her likely drove them to the brink of madness and consumed thier time to try and find a way to stop her.

    The Shield and thier allies, to the last one, have my undieing respect and thanks for thier acts against the Lady and the sacrifices they have made and were willing to make. It shall be nice to once more walk the land at night without fear of the abomination appearing from the darkness to once more terrorize the land.

  • *Apparently the fortunes of the Sunite paladin, Caling are on the up again. She is touring taprooms and taverns, telling glorious tales of the Order of the Divine Shield, how they were patrolling the deepest Rawlins most recently in search of the foul and despicable Drow that cause the magic to falter.

    Other tales include stories of the young and rather pretty knight, Lady Elenwyd and her continuing battles against the forces that manipulate portals with Vile and Dark Ritual to spew enraged Umberhulks into the land.

    But most popular, in her home city of Peltarch, is the tale of Natanya. Once a simple, regular woman, drawn to the goodness and right of Tyr. Her rise and battles are recounted in brief before culminating currently with here appointment as First Sword of the Order. A noble and touching ceremony that Lady Caling was fortunate enough to have witnessed.*

    'They are men and women, like you, like us who strive to make things better. Usually against foes we cannot comprehend. They are to be respected and praised for this. Our Defenders, Our Shields against countless foes.

    ((Detailed examination of any of these tales shows them to be inconsistent in detail and, if based in fact, to be so embellished as feelgood morality tales as to be unrecognisable.))

  • A scroll of the finest imported silken paper is brought by a courrier and read aloud in a clear, melodious voice in front of the Temple of Tyr for passersby to hear. It is then hung on the wall beside the door, for passersby to read. Its message is in the local dialect of Damarran, but written in the high style of the Tethyrian court chancery, a bold, flowing script in the clearest pitch-black ink, adorned with red-ink and gilt arabesques:

    We, the Goodly Mages and Scholars of Spellweaver Keep, offer our deepest Thanks and Gratitude to those selfless, brave and radiant Souls who delivered us from this Foul and Ignominious Curse.

  • Oreth taps Zoma on the shoulder on the way past

    Save your money. The divine shield doesn't work with evil-minded malicious little lake-rats, last I checked. She's doing that thing where she says things that don't even resemble the truth. Some call it 'lying'. Just to let you know.

    He walks to the bar, and orders several mugs of ale, which he carries to Zyph, and to any Divine Shield types he can find.

  • A one-eyed silver haired swordsman by chance was on his way to find Fenz when he came across Mercy speaking of tales about her intervention with the little lady in amusement.

    "Well," Zoma finally speaks up with a soft smile after she's done boasting her tales. "its a pity I missed such grand battle like that. It would had been a sight to see."

    After that, Zoma places a small bag to the bartender's table, offering to pay half of the drinks Mercy be drinking on that night and quietly leaves the scene as Mercy begin to repeat her tale to the newly formed crowd.

  • _Around the docks in Peltarch, Mercy appears to have passed herself off as somehow involved in the Little Lady's destruction. When it is pointed out that she is hardly a Divine Shield candidate, she waves an expressive paw, saying that of course she was too modest to boast about her small ::a wry, sardonic chuckle and a knowing wink:: roll in the affair.

    "Well, if you insist, wi' a wanion, but it were me what struck the death blow wi' ol' Bess 'ere" ::pats her cutlass maternally:: "O' course they other lot o' Divine Shieldies were gran' company an' tha'. Brave whoresons, they is. One o' them, put his hand on me shoulder "Mercy, Mercy" said'ee, "All o' Toril's hopes be on yer shouldern. Do not fail us, wi' a curse!" Well, as'ee woul' imagine, I strode out, damnin' yon wee bitch-faces eyes, her britches an' spittin' in 'er eye in fine style. "Awa' back off tae hell ye soor-faced kit-wearin' corpse-fondler!" I cried, menacin' in good style.

    "Eep!" Said she. "Umberlee! The only power who coul' defeat me, wi' a curse! I lay m'sel' at the mercy o' the Queen!"

    "Argh, so I cut the wee bitch's hat off. Daft cow. Argh, make that another ale smithy! Tab's on'ee, says I!"_

  • Sighing softly hearing the questioners words an armoured figure in blue and gold makes his way past

  • Um? Someone asks who has not seen or heard anything about the little lady or her undead minons actually kill anyone.