Seeking crafters and advice to deal with construct-like foe

  • _Zoma the swordsman can be seen lately inquiring the Galis of the camp as well as guests if they have knowledge of crafting weapons or equipments effective against constructs.

    In addition, he also asks if any has the knowledge how to properly deal with construct-like foes similiar to warmachines to full effectiveness in combat. If asked for the reason for such unusual advice, Zoma merely explains that his life will be getting quite exciting with machines for the time to come._

  • I know nothing on this matter sorry Zoma. I will ask amongst my breatheren though for you.

  • Dentin, on one of his routine visits to the camp, approaches Zoma and asks him what exactly his involvement with the mechanists is.

  • Zoma nods slowly to Meril's words as he listens and once he has finished offering the advice, the one eyed swordsman offers a smile in gratitude.

    "Thank you Meril for sharing. In return, perhaps you may wish to warn others to be prepared for 'their' coming as well."

    With that, Zoma slips a parchment to Meril which is recognisable as the propaganda leaflet from a group known as the 'mechanist'.

    "They use weapons and equipments beyond our understanding and has already murdered a number of people they claimed as 'heretics', people who are born with magic or associates themselves with it. It has been difficult for me to attempt in raising people's awareness of the dangers these groups are about to bring to this land as so far, only few of them had taken them seriously.

    I do not know whether to view them identical as warmachines or not but they are constructs nonetheless. Meril, I wish you to warn as many as you can of the threats these mechanists can pose as well as gather as much help as you can who are willing to aide, but only those you trust and seek me."

    With that the one eyed man smiles softly and offers his gratitude to the bard once more.

  • Meril listens to Zoma's request, and seems happy to share what he knows.

    _"I know little about constructs - but I have fought war machines a few times. And what you really need is a mage - trying to hurt them in combat is difficult and painful (unless you are a cleric). There are a few tactics you can use when you have a mage - running in circles as it follows you while the mage blasts it can sometimes work. But far better is to let the mage use a web spell and blast it at a distance - it turns out they are not very good at avoiding geting caught up in the sticky fibres. Lightning works well against them too.

    "Of course, all of this is moot if the mage in question can cast the spell of Tensor's Transformation.

    "The war machines can also repair damage they have recieved over time, and their poisonous breath is deadly. Always carry some herbs or potions of antidote with you when fighting them. I have seen folk drop dead in front of me a few minutes after being poisoned by the war machines."_