The Invention Competition

  • _Posted in the crafting hall, and a few other key locations, notices are hung up.

    **To all of Craft, Invention and Applied Creative Thought, the Faith of Gond of the Church of Knowledge is organising the following Competition.

    To win the Invention Competition, you must Invent or Improve Weapon, Armor, Contraption or Other Item in a manner that has Not Been Seen Yet In the Land of Narfell.

    Any who participate must be aware that entries will be judged by the Faith of Gond on the the following two points.

    1. Invention. How uncommon and interesting is the concept of the Invention? How useful will the Invention ultimately be? How much does it improve on the current possibilities?

    2. Creation. Has the Invention been created into an operational Weapon, Armor or Contraption? Has the process of Creation made optimal use of rescources? Is the final Creation both elegant and wondrous?

    If the Inventor lacks the rescources to Create his Invention, and proving said Invention is sufficiently Wondrous, and sufficiently Theoretically Documented, the lack of Rescources on the Inventor's part will be considered and held into account during the Faith's judgement of the entries.

    The three winning Inventions and/or Creations will be granted a place in the Chapel of Gond upon its completion.**_

  • The Competition is now closed. Thanks to all participants. The judges will look over the entries and decide the winners within the next few days.

  • ((Competition will be closed Sunday, October 8. ))

  • ((bump))