Of Gnomes and Orcs

  • Account: Ganon_Dwarf
    Character: Merarry Ydonig

    Dead… They were all dead... How could he have let them die? Oh... Why were they dead? Oh...
    Merarry collapsed, he had been running for hours, him and his familiar Nethys, Running from the Orcs, the savages that had destroyed the only home he knew. His family was all dead, his home, burned, his priceless books? Burned with the house. It had only taken a few minutes for everything he knew to be reduced to ash and rubble... He had been out with the rest of the village defenders getting ready to protect the village from the Orc raid they knew was coming. What they had failed to expect was the fact that the Orcs would also attack from behind, quickly destroying all the outlying farms and houses and almost making it to the village, one of those homes had been Merarry’s. The attack had been repulsed but Merarry upon finding his home destroyed and his family dead lost control and ran, he no longer cared about saving the village, he didn’t care if it burned to the ground, all that had ever mattered to him had been destroyed.
    Merarry woke up slowly, to the sound of wings and a high-pitched voice calling his name. “Wake up! Oh Merarry wake up!”
    “Huh? What...?” Said Merarry.
    “Wake up! The Orcs are hot on our trail, if we don’t go now they’ll catch us!”
    Merarry opened his eyes and look around to see Nethys flying around and yelling at him, despite the fact that he had slept for a few hours he still felt like he would drop dead on the spot.
    “I can’t go any further Nethys, besides, if they kill me I shall be able to join my family”
    “Oh you fool, if you don’t move soon the only thing you’ll be joining are their other kills in the cooking pot, now get moving!”
    Merarry stood up and staggered forwards, barely moving as he inched towards a forest he saw in the distance. He managed to stager into its protecting cover just before the Orcs came into view.
    As he lay there hiding he started to shake and shudder... He had lost so much... Fortunately the Orcs past him by and continued off into the distance. For the weeks after the Merarry wandered from town to town, picking up odd jobs and earning enough to put a roof over his head. One day he heard someone mentioning a frontier like settlement far away, and that a boat was taking people there for a low price and the promise of a new life, he jumped at the opportunity, mayhaps now he could forget all that had happened, start over. After some gruelling months at sea, made all the worse by Nethys’ sudden aversion to water He finally arrived at this new land. Hearing of a mage guild in a small town going by the name of Jiyyd he applied to become a resident there. When he arrived he found the guild in a state of turmoil and not ready to accept new members, downhearted he decided to stay and wait for the day he could enter.
    That is how Merarry Ydonig, Wizard, started his new life.

  • Reviewed - XP Pending.

  • Buh, I forgot my account and character name, so I'll add this just incase a DM did see it. (not that that is likely considering the short time it ahs been up, but one of the stuck topics told me to, so meh)