Welcome to the New Jiyyd Trade Hall!

  • * after months of hammering and sawing noises coming from inside the Jiyyd trade hall, the locks are removed from the outer doors and they are opened wide.*

    Come visit the new trade hall in Jiyyd! You'll see what a masterwork it is! Our tradesmen have all come together and helped design the ultimate crafting experience for both crafters and customers, or even just folks that are interested and want to watch!

    Our doors aint locked anymore from the outside, so come on in and take a look! As a special to commemorate this occasion, we will be sellin' all merchandise at "Employee Discount" ((guild minimum)) prices for the next month if you place the order in Jiyyd!* Be sure to come visit and see great a trade hall can be!

    If you like what you see, please ask about membership. We are always looking for new recruits to learn the wonderful arts of craftin'.

    *offer is subject to the discretion of the individual crafters and may be revoked at any time.

  • @1e221b26c3=ArUlric:

    A note, written by someone else on her behalf, says that Charity, Jiyyd farming lass, is seeking a decent, well crafted scythe, preferably made out of brass. She is contactable every day in her field, in Jiyyd.

    Z asks permission to take down the note before doing so ((in case someone has a problem with that)).

    He then sends word that he has made such a scythe for Charity and that he will deliver as soon as he can find her.


  • A note, written by someone else on her behalf, says that Charity, Jiyyd farming lass, is seeking a decent, well crafted scythe, preferably made out of brass. She is contactable every day in her field, in Jiyyd.

  • Dwin shrugs

    Ya cant make everyone happy, cousin.

    Though fer all o his soft-handed, thumb-bashin' remarks… if he'd o joined the union he'd be a master by now! Some folks just prefer to craft complaints, me thinks. In that, he's a master fer sure!

    chuckles and walks off to give a tour to some locals

    • Foilir peers around the smithy and shrugs. Hearing Dentin's comments about outdated methods he comments *

    "Anna yeh mark appear on how many blades, armor er helms in dese lands lad?"

    • Knowing the answer, he continues *

    "..until dat number is higher den deh number of ales yeh cen ingest afore passin out fer a few days.. best nae comment on how masters werk der craft .."

    • Pats him on the back and moves on *

    "Most folk still prefer master made guds teh whatever yeh is offerin.."

  • Dentin, after visiting the renovated hall, comments that ultimately, it still denies access to the crafting equipment for all non-union members.
    He seems otherwise pleased with the improvements however, as the crafting hall definitly looks a lot better and cleaner now. Though he is heard mumbling in question, why the Union still clings to outdated metalworking methods.