Eluriel Triallan’ravan

  • Narfell account name: Elurial
    Character name: Eluriel Triallan’ravan

    Eluriel Triallian’ravan (Forest Walker)
    Moon Elf Ranger of Solonor Thelandira

    A tall and toned Elven female, she moves with quiet grace. Her near white skin is tinted blue. Long midnight blue hair is carelessly swept away from her face and held in place with twigs. Intelligent gold-flecked blue eyes quickly scan the area until she sees something of interest. On catching her eye, she smiles. It looks as though she would welcome your approach.

    Age: 130
    Height: 5’8”
    Weight: 120
    Eyes: Blue with gold flecks
    Hair: Midnight blue, long

    Languages Known
    Elven (racial)
    Chondothan (regional)
    Common (free)
    Sylvan (Int bonus)
    Damaran (Int bonus)
    Sign Language (bought in Crafr Armour 21/08/06)


    Eluriel was born and raised in the Elven settlement of Archwell in the Tangled Trees region of Cormanthor. The steading of around 60 moon elves is composed mainly of active rangers and of craftworkers (most of whom have adventured at one time or another). The villagers welcome all humans who walk in harmony with nature and there is even a purpose built building for housing such visitors. Archwell is located almost into the midwoods a pleasant 2 or 3 day walk from Essembra.

    Eluriel is the middle of 3 children of a leather worker mother and the village’s saddler/groom (both rangers). As a child she loved playing games of hide and seek in the forest with the other children of the settlement, and in particular with her best friend Druleria Diner. Growing older, she became interested in the magical arts and as an adolescent spent the best part of a decade helping the herbalist tend and process plants. She started to train as a magic user but couldn’t abide the untold hours of book study and soon gave up on the idea in favour of spending more time in the wilds and trying to befriend animals and forest creatures. Druleria later took her place in the wizard’s study.

    Eluriel took instruction in the skills of a ranger from several of the villagers and became a fine markswoman. Since reaching adulthood she has acted as a guide to the human hunters who visit the elven woods seeking to feed the citizens of Essembra. She directs them in which creatures may be slain for sustenance without altering the balance between species and shows them the true beauty of the forest. Eluriel has not accepted any of the invitations for a return visit to Essembra. However, for several years now she has been discontent with her peaceful life and wanderlust has taken hold of her.

    After months of discussion, Druleria, Baelis (Eluriel’s beau, a male elven ranger from a nearby settlement) and Eluriel decided that they would visit the great forests of Faerun, starting with those of the Great Dale by reasoning of their proximity to the Dales and the rumours of Treants therein. They learnt to speak Damaran over several more months, and then took passage on a trading vessel carrying Dalelands ale and tobacco to the Eastern lands. The trio disembarked at Uthmerg full of excitement and immediately went to explore the forest. Within a day a tribe of Goblins ambushed them. Badly hurt and with their equipment in tatters, they ran from the creatures that pursued them (favoured enemy: goblinoids). Some days later, the exhausted group stumbled forth from the North side of the wood and were fortunate enough to meet a group of locals taking goods to Norwick. The traders healed them and watched over them while they rested.

    Waking to a beautiful crisp morning on the day they were due to reach Norwick, Eluriel’s keen senses picked up the muffled sound of a girl crying. She rose quickly and moved closer without waking any of the traders. It was Druleria. Eluriel tried to comfort her pretty friend and they were soon joined by Baelis, who did likewise. Druleria said that she wanted to return home. Though Eluriel would not try to influence someone else’s actions, she did state that she had no intention of returning to Cormanthor before she had seen more of the world. Baelis calmly and clearly declared that he would escort Druleria home and that they would join a caravan leaving Norwick bound for one of the coastal settlements. Shocked to the core, Eluriel crept away from them then fled back to the camp where she gathered her belongings together with misted eyes and strove to gather herself together for her parting from her friends.

    On arrival on Norwick she spoke to the ranger Vino Jorinson. She already knew about the goblin infestation! She told him what had happened to her and her companions. The residents of the forest being driven from their homes troubled her and she was deeply disturbed to learn that some dark force is corrupting the creatures of the forest and that the druids seem to have forsaken its care. Eluriel decided to work towards cleansing the forest of evil. Heartened by having made a new friend and by having found a task, Eluriel bade her friends farewell.

    Thus, Eluriel became a citizen of Norwick.


    Eluriel is not one to draw attention to herself. Indeed, in the presence of strangers she tends to wait in the background of a gathering until either she is spoken to directly or else she has something of note to add to the conversation. When feeling uncomfortable she will try to hide from sight.

    She is comfortable in the company of elves, humans and half-elves, but has little experience of any other races. Once befriended, she is open and friendly and her love of merriment soon becomes apparent. She has had her fair share of romance but this is belied by her tendency to blush. She is also feeling rather fragile just now after her recent break-up. She has yet to find anyone with whom she has chosen to share her Lahr.

    Eluriel will not stand by while healthy young animals are slain for meat, nor while any animals are slain for sport. She will attempt to re-educate any who act in this manner, as she will those who thoughtlessly harm the wilds. Continued acts of this nature will earn her enmity and her active opposition.

  • Reviewed - XP Pending.