Open House at the Barracks

  • _Several kegs of ale and roasted beasts are set up in the area next to the barracks, and a few minstrels are seen (and heard) playing some festive tunes in the same area.

    Militia members (those not on duty) are milling about, drinking and eating (mostly drinking) while hesitant townsfolk approach and start to do the same.

    A few of the older Militia members take people on tours of the barracks. Younger children are shown the jail and even allowed to (safely) pretend that they are prisoners in one of the cells.

    Eventually Dwin stands up on a crate and welcomes everyone._

    Lads and Lasses! I just wanted to quickly thank ya fer stoppin by today to meet some of the Militia lads. Its important that ya think of em as more than just protectors with helms… each one of these lads is a well trained soldier but also a gentleman... ready to help you at the drop of a hat!

    Dwin pulls out a small note and deepens his voice

    I would like to praise the continued successful protection of Norwick's borders, and I would like to claim the condolence of all for few gallant who have fallen.

    Honor to the Soldier who bravely bears his home cause! Honor also to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field, and serves, as he best can, the same cause!

    He folds the small paper and slips it back in a pocket

    Lads and lasses, Norwick has seen its lowest point. We were once the heart of a growin' economy. I don't have to retell history… but fer various reasons we, as a town, declined. We have seen bad times... invaders, crystals... but we are still here. Show me another town that has been through what we have and remains!

    Now, we are back! We are on the road to recovery, and higher. I am proud to be part of this revival with you! Stand proud behind the militamen as they protect our northern borders from the hobgoblins. Stand by 'em as they protect our southern realm from the pestilence of the greenskin. Stand behind Norwick as she outshines all of Narfell!

    The Norwick of today is not the Norwick of yesterday!

    Dwin raises an ale to the crowd as they cheer and then steps down to speak to them personally.

  • Vervain seems to be very happy about the free food and ale and the playing ministrels. He loudly proclaims that his moving into Norwick was the best decicion he's yet made.

  • Drelan has been seen often in Norwick of late seeming to spend much time in the Boarshead.

    During the festivities he can be seen just examing the people, his expression completely stoic as he stands in silence.

  • Nym can be seen spending some time in the festivities, spending some time with the inhabitants of Norwick, trying to make them say strange sentences in Damaran. He keeps a distance to anyone wearing the black and gold of the sails, but mingles also a bit with the wizardly types.

  • Lucidious arrives fashionably late with a folio under his arm and a bottle of wine in hand. He takes some time to greet those he knows in the crowd, offering them a mug of ice wine if they have not obviously had too much to drink already. After a time he finds a nice quiet spot, settling himself on a bench with some barbecue for a late lunch. Looking over the crowd with a smile, he seems pleased to see so many new faces in norwick.

  • Sabre passes by on one of her reluctant visits to Norwick. She is at first pleasantly surprised by the festivities, but upon hearing Dwin's offer she pales and skulks off as fast as possible.

    "Fark, better not let Deacon hear about this, he'll start pesterin' me ta move 'ere again…this dump had better stay snowy or I'm in serious trouble."

  • Rando is seen sitting with some of the senior Militamen smiling, but not drinking

  • As the celebration continues, Dwin can be seen walking around with a small clipboard

    Folks, if any o you are visitin' us from other places today, and are as excited about Nor'ick as we are… I invite you to consider movin here! I will personally pay for your citizen papers ((PM me)) and help ya get started.

    Likewise, if any folks are interested in joinin our fearless Militia, speak to me or any of the officers here today. We are always looking to take on a few new recruits!

    He then continues walking around, fecthing beer and barbecued venison ribs for anyone that looks like they might need them.

  • Danaley Notten from the Watchfull Repose can be seen chatting to a few of the milita both junior and senior getting information about their job and requirements, and also takes Paci up on his offer of a spar, showing decent skill with his range of double weapons and single weapons and shield.

  • After a few too many drinks, Penny makes a point of exuberantly discussing the merits of softer lighting and brighter colors in making the barracks, and particularly the jail, a more citizen friendly space while not compromising the integrity of the building's function.


    Somewhere off in the distance, Corana looks on with a smirk as she slips a scroll bearing the Norwick insignia into her pack, pleased by the show of the militia's open house.

  • _Zoma can be seen in the background, drinking ale quietly. His expression reflects with one who has not slept for days and is looking utterly exhausted.

    His blue eye however, darts about with vigilance and wariness as he observes the crowd from the distance, deciding not to participate in their merry conversation._

  • _Paci seems to be enjoying himself in the happening, and being off-duty enjoys a lot of the fine drinks as well.

    He playfully spars with few of the local kids and shows them around in the cells. Later, after a few drinks more, he's seen giving a lot of attention to the young norwickian women as well…_

  • Even Kerrith is present and manages a few smiles though she is still weak after the birth of her triplets, who attend as well.

  • _Standing off to the side and watching, a smile crosses Milshot's face as the Captain speaks to those gathered. Looking over the various faces, knowing most and seeing a few that seem new to the town.

    Small talk is heard of this and that, nothing of profound importance as the Chancellor does his best to make those in attendace feel at ease and welcome.

    As Dwin raises his ale to toast the fine town, Milshot speaks in return_

    Aye, it do be a fine time an' ta the fine folk o' this fine town, those o' ya in service and those not as well, me thanks all o' ya personally fer makin' Nor'ick what she be taday… Cheers ta ya all!