Romantic Signs!

  • All over the Realm, Posters starting springing up. Apparently they were dredged up from some old Peltarchian Senatorial Election, minorly adjusted, then put up again. The Senator has been changed here and there to resemble the bard, Nathan Wingates:


  • Seeing one of these posters about a "pink haired bard," a shaggy blonde haired man with bare feet picks one of them up and stuffs it into his pocket. His reaction to the poster was that of excitment.

  • In the wee morning hours, a few commoners notice that the most recent signs about a pink bard appear to have been collected and set on fire, burning brightly in a large pile in front of the inn.

  • Nate bites his lip as he spots Zoma's crossing smirk, then glancing over at a few other commoners as they, too, burst out laughing at the obsurd signs and the site of him. He chuckles along with them for a few moments, waving his hand and, again, claining the signs to be a jest and no, not to inform the local ladies of there requests. He then subtley twists his lips and clears his throat, flushing a slight crimson as he swiftly moves towards the gate and leave the hollering laughter.

    Not bothering to take the last sign down, he mutters to himself: "I'm beginning to wonder if Mercy's merely trying to help, or if her efforts are targetted towards ruining my reputation."

  • Whenever Zoma walks by Nathan, he can be seen giving him a self satisfying smirk to the bard followed by a burst of uncontrollable laughter which is a rare sight for the one eye swordsman to do so.

  • Nate's lips tighten upon hearing of the signs during one of his usual strolls into the city. Swiftly he cracks a tiny pun at the gossipping informer and muses that it's merely a ploy or jest for attention most certainly coined up by one of his friends; before hastily excusing himself and wandering to find and remove the suggested parchments.

    Calmly tearing them into tiny pieces, with shifty eyes, he places them in a trash bin hoping not too many people spotted the posters. He then starts asking around if a certain Umberleant Dwarfess has been living up to her promises… chuckling to himself and murmuring, effectively hiding any resulting irritance: "At least my hair was painted orange, and not pink..."