Romantic Notice!

  • All over the Realm, Posters starting springing up. Apparently they were dredged up from some old Peltarchian Senatorial Election, minorly adjusted, then put up again. The Senator has been changed here and there to resemble the bard, Nathan Wingates:


  • Later that morning as he's leaving town hall with an open book in hand, Lucidious waltzes right into the pile of ash, throwing up a small cloud of soot onto his formal red robes. He just stands there for a moment looking around confused.

    What in the name of…

    he quickly turns and storms back into his office for a change of clothes, spitting out some choice elvish words as he goes.

  • In the wee morning hours, a few commoners notice that the most recent signs about a pink bard appear to have been collected and set on fire, burning brightly in a large pile in front of the town hall.

  • A hin passes by and giggles

    To me, that picture looks more like Magistrate Barrim than Nate.

  • Zoma passes by one of the poster and stares at it while gawking and wearing an expression of disbelief.

    "Must be busy building his own…..harem I think?"