Assaulted by Lizards

  • I think leopard is a little gaudy. I prefer understated elegance. Something simple and minimalistic, where the beauty is all in the line, and the thread count, and the quality of the tailoring. takes a cookie

  • Lucidious wanders into town and seems to be headed to the tailors…then noticing the crowd he quietly takes a seat on a bench near the others. He manages to discreetly snag muffin and a cookie, then just as he seems ready to say something, the topic turns to ... fashion. He just sits there at a loss for words as penny and belade go back and forth...and kinda wonders where the pink dragonscale gloves came from too. With a smirk and a shrug, he seems to give up on the conversation, instead rummaging though pack for a bottle of wine to help pass the time.

  • Oh, do excuse me! I've been a tad too busy fighting to keep up-to-date…I do love winterwolf, but how about leopard? I have an absolutely fabulous leopard cloak, but I'm not sure whether I should wear it's just so hard to keep up...

    Sighs and has a cookie, trying to steer the conversation away from the arguing and into a nice chat about fashion

  • clears her throat

    Um, Belade darlin', winter wolf is actually this season's fashion, an' one a my best designs usin' wolf fur is on sale in the Gypsy Camp from the clothing merchant while supplies last! Dragon's a touch too rare to be considered seasonal wear, though I do love those gloves. Let's talk 'bout where ya got em after the boys are done, aye?

    munches on a cookie with a bright smile on her face

  • takes one of Penny's cards while passing out muffins to those gathered

  • [d] this is like takin coal from a Shortie.. so easy it aint that much fun.

  • Dwinnie, dear, if you wear things made of scaly skin, go with dragon, hm? Lizard is so last season

    Belade laughs, polishing her pink dragonscale gloves a bit. She is sitting fairly close to Oreth during the discussion, having arrived not that long after it started

  • Oreth raises his head from the back of the bench to stare blankly at the dwarf after the "lizardskin" comment

    You are just trying to bait us, aren't you? I apologize for giving you more credit than that. I won't make such a mistake again.

    He leans back again

    If you act on your idiotic statements, then either the city will catch you, or the lizards will. I hope I am invited to the respective trial or cook-out, in either case…

  • In a mock-whisper, Dwin asks Penny what she can do with lizard-skin, gesturing to his feet and a possible new pair of boots. He chuckles and accepts the cookie.

  • Noticing the unusually large crowd of people arguing about their lizards, Penny takes a moment from escorting her next client to Vanity Plates to pass out cookies and other refreshments, each adorned with a business card reading - "Penny Lane, Minister of Fashion, Peltarch - Fashion is Art, People!"

  • @49c754daa3=Zyphlin:

    Laughs looking at the Dolvaks

    Do you think anyone actually cares what you two say. You're about as slick and smooth talking as Grag is skinny. Amazingly enough Folir, there is this odd little fact…insulting YOU is not an insult to ALL dwarves. I know its a hard concept to try to grasp, the thought that somehow you are not the uberdwarf that is the pattern for all dwarves to match.

    I was one of the strongest supporters and friends of the longest standing dwarf in the Guard. Heffa, the leader of the crafters guild here in Peltarch, is a personal friend. I helped to save the lives of dozens and dozens of the dwarves in Peltarch during the last election and got even more of them out of prison with legal aid. Not to mention having the support of thier entire guild that likely would've turned the tide of the election if not for the fact that for SOME reason they kept getting arrested when Bloodspiders attacked them, and yet the bloodspiders kept getting off scot free.

    So once agian, I beg that you two bafoons stop a moment....possibly spit the ale out of your mouth...and think before you try to speak. You may not come off so dumb.

    …oh, and please. Take your grievance to the Magistrate. I am sure that will turn out well. Why not round up some banites to your cause like the last time you tried to throw fraudulent charges at the way, none of them were found guilty. Or, I don't know, here's a stunning idea...learn some new plays. Yours are getting old and tiring.

    • Hears the sounds of a little dark barking as loud as it can for attention *

    "YIP! YIP! YIP!"

    • Foilir chuckles at the sounds as he continutes to walk to the docks *

    "[d] Me swears some folks would love teh 'blow der own horn'…... if'n dey wasn't carryin a penny flute dat is!"

    • Holds out a pinkie for a second then lets out a resounding belly laugh, clearly humored by the bard's feeling of self importance *

  • (( oops, mispost. Please delete this and the ill-advised planar collapse post 2 above. Thanks Oreth for your well-meant and entirely appropriate moderation of the thread.
    )) 🙂

  • Oreth, frightened by his newfound ability to telepathically know the thoughts of "certain of the city's population", begins to believe he is trapped in some sort of weekly entertainment drama, perhaps hosted by the demigod of wierd, Rod Serling. However, he chooses to go on having an in-character interaction, and hope it goes away

    By the by, Mark, there've been scouts and defenders here this whole time, registering their opinion on the matter. They seem to agree with you. As I do.

  • { Removed as per post below - Herrold }

  • Mmm hmm. And Koreth was a paladin. And Rando's a helmite. Tell me another one, please, I am likely to die of laughter.

  • orc man wanders over to Foilir and Dwin and says in a quiet but audible voice
    "The Defiler was a druid, he did a great job of looking after the Rawlinswood"

  • Mark, having seen the conversation flare up and die out again, walks in on it, giving a faint applaus.

    "And during this entire conversation, did any of you bother to ask a Defender, a Guard or a Scout for their opinion.

    The lizards coming out there, they're pissed, because people have been making raids into their territory again.

    The city of Peltarch stands by their agreement, we show no hostilities towards them, as long as they don't enter Peltarch land, and those who are caught will be punished accordingly.
    Yes, this usually means attacking them after they made the first move.

    But them making the first move is a freak occurance.

    Do we do a bad job at tending our borders? No worse than having a bugbear running into town. That, too, is a freak occurance.

    Do we need better equipment or greater numbers?
    Not at all, it served us in the past, and it will do so in the future.

    I, personally, would be happy to be trained in combat by Dwin, Milshot or Paci. That's not to say I'd put money into it.

    Does the Defender training need to be revised?
    It has not failed us yet, and there is a need, this will be decided by general Lavindo.

    If you have a problem with the Defenders, speak to us, don't take a jab at the senators, or refuel old fueds at our expense."

  • Laughs looking at the Dolvaks

    Do you think anyone actually cares what you two say. You're about as slick and smooth talking as Grag is skinny. Amazingly enough Folir, there is this odd little fact…insulting YOU is not an insult to ALL dwarves. I know its a hard concept to try to grasp, the thought that somehow you are not the uberdwarf that is the pattern for all dwarves to match.

    I was one of the strongest supporters and friends of the longest standing dwarf in the Guard. Heffa, the leader of the crafters guild here in Peltarch, is a personal friend. I helped to save the lives of dozens and dozens of the dwarves in Peltarch during the last election and got even more of them out of prison with legal aid. Not to mention having the support of thier entire guild that likely would've turned the tide of the election if not for the fact that for SOME reason they kept getting arrested when Bloodspiders attacked them, and yet the bloodspiders kept getting off scot free.

    So once agian, I beg that you two bafoons stop a moment....possibly spit the ale out of your mouth...and think before you try to speak. You may not come off so dumb.

    …oh, and please. Take your grievance to the Magistrate. I am sure that will turn out well. Why not round up some banites to your cause like the last time you tried to throw fraudulent charges at the way, none of them were found guilty. Or, I don't know, here's a stunning idea...learn some new plays. Yours are getting old and tiring.

  • Oreth spends several moments trying to understand the dwarf's words, as he must sound like a tape played in extreme slow motion, if the druid's low, monotone voice sounds high and yippy in comparison, before shrugging and waving him off

    Indeed…shouldn't you be busy speaking to the senate about how it's a race-crime to not like you, or something like that?

    Oreth leans his head back on the bench and looks up through the building-line at the sky

    So about the lizards….do they actually have a leader anymore, since that Chesakhan demon-thing was killed off? It might help to talk to him or her...

    • Foilir rubs his temples at all the high pitched whiny voices, and somehow focuses to ignore their frequencies.

    Over the course of a couple of minutes they take on the resemblance of the noises made by small barking dogs. The ones that pose no physical threat, but like to be heard for the sake of it.

    For a couple of minutes he looks back at the druid and the bard, watching them gesture, motion and 'yip yip yip' like two small impotent pets in a world where all they do is annoy, but little else. The kind owned by Peltarch aristocracy.

    Slowly a smile forms on his face as it begins to amuse him.

    Then realizing that for the first and possibly last time of his long lifetime, he agrees with Dentin Strauss.

    He smiles a bit more realizing he will outlive the sniping and yapping druid and bard, and he will get the opportunity to watch them wither in old age.

    He shakes his head incredulously at the thought of agreeing with Dentin, and heads to meet with the stone-masons.*

    "Aye lad, much more important things to do."

    • He nods his head at Strauss acknowledging his on the mark thought and walks off, smiling as the day when the bard and druid succumb to old age crosses his mind. *

    "[d] The day my ears will praise Moradin for the silence and the return of rational thought!"