Assaulted by Lizards

  • @de25d97509=Darkpowder:

    "Statements saying "The guards didn't react" are not to be stated IC if there was no DM as i presume this was the case to control them"

    We have had comments like this before, if you wish to state you went "into" their lands to fight them so be it. Please make that clear.

    ((guards did not react, facionally or elsewise, I asked for a dm, none responded, or all were unavailable at the time, my original posts says nothing of me going ther to hunt them, and the ooc truth of it is two lizards transitioned across, a woudner ran at slip after rolling intitiative the nturned around and ran bac kacross the trans, while one of the ones wit ha crossbow shot at slip before running away also, Feel free to let me know how the guards woulda reacted and I'll add that to my rp on the situation))

  • Mercy's ears perk as the druid grumbles, but realises his comment was general, and not just to get her attention.

  • Oreth sighs

    It's just like the eastlanders, and a hundred other problems…both sides fail to police themselves, and both sides use the others' failure to keep to the treaty as an excuse to break it further.

    Until the "adventurers" and profiteers of this land can be kept in check, no treaty will ever hold so long as the other side carries weapons that can be sold for pocket change.

    He mutters

    Greedy murderous farks….

  • DM

    "Statements saying "The guards didn't react" are not to be stated IC if there was no DM as i presume this was the case to control them"

    We have had comments like this before, if you wish to state you went "into" their lands to fight them so be it. Please make that clear.

  • Looks at the dwarf a moment, sniffs a bit, and then sits there thinking for a second

    Hmm, sound theory. You may want to take care of yourself before you breed. If it looks, smells, and all that jazz…

    But yes. I'll go find a "real" magistrate. I think Barrim is over in the non-Union owned, public and free, craft hall the senate denied you all over in the Civic District. I'll go find him.

  • chuckles some more

    Ok, OK. let me know in what… 5 years?... when yer "investigation" finally figured out them lizard folk aren't worth the paper the treaty's written on. I wonder how many o yer citizens will be eaten up by then...

    I'm in the extermination business lad. If it looks, smells and acts like a rat... ya kill it before it can make a nest. No sense in "investigatin" some problems if ya ask me, maybe they should gt the opinion of a real magistrate.

    chuckles and walks off, quite happy with his rarely-seen wit

  • By all rights this deserves at least an investigation. Amazingly enough we need this strange thing called "proof" here in Peltarch before we go clubbing things, but by all means, we should look into this.

  • @65b3dc60fb=Archon_Prime:

    "Yes. Violate the treaty and endanger the entire city. A devoted citizen you are indeed, willing to take such grave risks for "business"."

    chuckles strong words from a lad that aint ne'er had a callous on his hands.

    Seems to me that the lizards be breakin the treaty… who speaks to them on these issues? Or do we just bend over and let em do what they want?

  • Senator Senella warns after hearing rumours of these lizard sightings that any found violating the treaty will be held accountable by the Magistrate for endangering the city. She does not doubt that these lizard sightings, which have been occuring at the same time as an increase in lizardfolk wares and loot being sold shadily around the markets, are due to others violating the treaty and being persued by lizardfolks.

  • "Yes. Violate the treaty and endanger the entire city. A devoted citizen you are indeed, willing to take such grave risks for "business"."

  • Just as I was sayin.

    Interestin' how the tiny-dancer and his band o minstrels aint whinin when theres a problem in their own backyard.

    Well, as a Peltarch Business owner, I demand some action! Time fer a Lizard hunt, me thinks!

  • Dentin, after hearing Slip's report, adds..
    "Some time ago I encountered a stray lizard near the city walls as well. Perhaps it was a scout, yet more likely it was persuing someone who did hold him or herself to the current treaty."