Norwick's Authority

  • I claim your entire plane of existance to be my own personal playground, and shall consider it within my juristicion for any mischief I deem appropriate!

    This does not appear to be news to anyone...

    I am going to go eat now.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Those lands south of Norwick have been tended to by the druids of the Rawlinswood, who, through their own graciousness, allowed Norwick to pursue criminals only that far, and not farther.

    This has not changed.

    But, in the spirit of this….I claim the whole of the Rawlinswood as a protectorate under the care of the circle of Quercatha Terr, lest Norwickians decide to attemt to extend their "authority" further than they have any right to do so.

    I've fought and died for this forest countless times, and many in the circle have done the same. What has Norwick's government done, except to ally itself with yuan-ti, to the detriment of its citizens and...well...everyone else? Nothing. You have no rights, here.

    We have been allies in the past, but to attempt to usurp us is inexcusable. If you wish to do anything in these woods, it will be with our input.

  • In the true spirit of claiming land in other peoples' jurisdiction….I'd like to lay claim to Fine Ogden's old farm, Vino's fire, and...the north guard-tower of Norwick. I will call them Oreth-town.

  • Zyphlin can be heard chuckling as he hears the news

    Oh wonderful. So we're allowed to just randomly claim land now.

    Excellent I hearby claim…the cave in the south rawlins, um...that one cliff by the gypsy camp....and hm, how about the bridge...under the territory of the Peoples Republic of Zyphlin. Wow. Randomly claiming land with no real prescense at all in that area is fun.