Letter to the Chancellor and the Militia Captain

  • Greetings Chancellor/Militia,

    I wish to inform you regarding of the recent goblin attack on Norwick just days ago. This attack may seem to be like any other but if that is the case, I will not have written this letter to you.

    The attack is an organized one. Too organized in fact which requires planning and spying on Norwick for some time to ochestrate this attack. Allow me to explain how it was done.

    The first wave consists of medium sized goblins. 'Bashers' as some who call them. They came at large number and directed their forces towards the south gate of Norwick. The defending forces which involves random adventurers and a Phoenix member only managed to fend off the first wave. The second wave however, managed to overwhelm us and a single large goblin got through the defence line and made it into the town.

    I removed myself from the defensive position and gave chase to it. It however did not make any attempt to attack any commoners within Norwick but instead ran straight towards the graveyard. I followed only to face a horde of goblins already assembled in the graveyard, well prepared and armed. This sight caught me by surprise.

    Fortunately, with the aide of a Legionnaire and a Blacksails member, we managed to put down the goblins in the graveyard though several attempts to communicate with them went unfulfilled. Nonetheless, I inspected the gate which leads outside to the rawlins forest and discovered that it was unlocked from the inside lest the goblins may have the necessary skills to pick a sturdy lock.

    I like to bring up my concern that there may be someone from inside Norwick that could be aiding the goblins to allow their forces to make access into the graveyard or even a goblin hiding and spying somewhere in the town. The attack occured at the worst time for the number of defenders were scarce and the militia guards were unavailable as they were amongst the casualities from the earlier bugbear attacks.

    I urge strongly to perform an investigation in this matter so as to prevent another similiar future attacks next time which Norwick may not be fortunate enough to hold off in the future. Perhaps Tond may be the first person to speak with.

    your regards,
    Zoma of the Guardians.

  • When Zoma steps into Norwick once again, somehow he feels the atmosphere is very tensed and the guards seems to be so professional that it makes the former soldier wears an awed look.

    "Impressive," Zoma mummurs. "This be a while since I last notice Norwick to be this…..heavily defended."

  • Dwin snaps his fingers at one of the guards in the vicinity and gives himthe doubling orders

    …remember lads, if ya see any castin in town lock the farkers up, after you "impress" upon them how dangerous it is.

    How you "impress" it is up to you, but it should be memorable and an example to others.

    Another matter. Our equipment is fer shiite. These lads can doa fine job defendin', but not usin 10 and 20 year old blades! Mil, I'll be askin fer a requisition for new militia equipment after I get the inventory numbers back...

  • Looking over the letter, Milshot becomes visibly angered at the notion of someone within Norwick itself lending aid to the goblin creatures

    Aye Dwin… ya be sure an git ta th' bottom o' this as soon as ya possibly can. There be no excuse fer somethin' like this ta 'ave occured an' we be needin' ta make sure it nay 'appen agin'.

    Double yer guards at th' south gate an' post a regular patrol inta the graveyard. Me wantin' full reports on a regular basis 'bout this, aye?

    Me'll 'ave a talk wit' Lucid an' make sure there nay be any magic goin' on that could lend them greenies any 'elp 'ere. Be a tryin' time what with the orbs causin' all th' trouble but we's gotta find out how em got tha' lock picked an' how em got inta the graveyard.

  • Dwin receives the letter and asks that his senior officers begin an immediate investigation, and that the opened lock be investigated thoroughly.

    Tis' time we went in for an annual extermination. Time to destroy the rats nest so they can't be makin so many new ones!