Message sent to both the Council, and the Legion.

  • _Esteemed Members of Council, General,

    I write to you this day, to make you aware of the latest proceedings within the town.

    As I am certain the guard has already informed you at the change of shifts, a man known as Draihken, known by many to have followed the Black Hand's faith, has willingly surrendered himself to the guards and was brought to the Temple.

    I have spoken with this man there, and learned of his wish to attone for past mistakes in following the path of Helm. As I am informed, before turning himself over to the guards, he had publicly renounced his former allegiances already.

    After questioning, I have come to the conclusion that, atleast for now, the man speaks true of his desires. Seeing that he came to Helm's Temple willingly and in true heart, it is, as guardians, our obligation to provide sanctuary in this matter. With the absence of the High Watcher, I therefore took this responsibility upon myself instead.

    For as long as he does not bring harm to others, the man Draihken is to be considered under my protection while within the town's walls. If this matter is of concern to this Council, then of course I am willing to clarify this further, or negotiate for alternative options.

    Until then, I humbly request that no repercussions be made concerning this man's past allegiances, unless of course proof can be submitted for crimes against our fair town that still require judgment. If so, then I humbly request to be informed of such at once.

    Remaining in faith,

    Shane Andryl_

    ::Word quickly travels that the paladin has spent several hours within the temple, speaking to the man named Draihken::

  • ::In the late hours, Shane setlles down to write a last letter before calling it a night… ::

    _Master Dwin,

    As agreed upon, I write you this message to inform you upon the matter of Draihken Harbinger's citizenry. I have spoken with him on this matter, and he tells me that until the faithful moment upon Sam's Hill, he was an Oscuran Resident. Since then, he has now found refuge within Jiyyd. He claims that, although he was close, he never finalised the required formalities with your herralds.

    I hope that this can serve you to bring more peace to this matter. Once again, I invite you to come at your behest and speak with the man, so that you may judge wisely and unbiased upon Norwick's further course of action.

    Remaining in faith,

    Shane Andryl_

  • //chuckle You'll have a hard time finding Will in the Jiyyd Council Building to remove him, as he's never been inside it.

    Remember the other place the initial letter was sent to?//

  • _::Shane nods at Dwin's words::

    "Master Dwin,

    I will seek to discover the exact nature of his residence at the time of the events, and inform you as soon as I have gained this knowledge, upon which time it is your right as claiming faction to decide upon the further course of events.

    Until then, may Helm guard your way."_

  • @dd265b8ddf=Sethan:

    I am vouching for him, and I'll be happy to come speak with you about it.

    I was there from the beginning of it to the end, and saw what happened.

    The short of it is, he's an ex-Banite, and they want him back or dead.

    As soon as he knew they were coming after him, he left Norwick, to avoid deaths being caused in the town.

    The exposed and unsupported guards Norwick had at the crossroads made perfect sacrifices for the things that came after him.

    Not his fault - they make perfect sacrifices for anything else that is looking for such, too.

    You're looking for someone to blame, blame the church and religion of Bane, that won't let people leave peacably.

    Dwin looks around for a Jiyyd guard and asks that this lad be removed from the Council Building.

    He aint contributing to anything here.

  • Dwin replies, publicy



    I appreciate the offer. The question of this lad's residence seems to be up-in-the-air. If he is indeed carrying Norwick residency papers, then decorum dictates that he should be brought back to Norwick for questioning in this matter which is being investigated as a crime against the Grand Establishment of Norwick.

    If my sources are not correct and he is not a citizen of Norwick, then I will gladly, under your supervision, visit with the lad under your terms.

    I thank you for your courtesy, its much more than others have offered in light of this event.


    Dwin Dolvak
    Member of the Jiyyd Council
    Colonel of the Norwick Militia

  • _Master Dwin,

    Let me first of all offer my sincere condolances regarding your men. Their valliance in standing firm is admirable, and in the least such can be of consolence to their families.

    I can neither vouch for nor against on this particular subject, since I was not present when said matters occured. However, I am told from several sources that he had no blame in the affairs, other than as well defending himself.

    You are free to come to Jiyyd and speak with the man on neutral terms on this matter. If such is not possible, then I will try and arrange a venture to Norwick at the earliest convenience to see this matter sorted, however I do humbly request to then be allowed presence in said conversation.

    Awaiting your reply,

    Shane Andryl_

  • I am vouching for him, and I'll be happy to come speak with you about it.

    I was there from the beginning of it to the end, and saw what happened.

    The short of it is, he's an ex-Banite, and they want him back or dead.

    As soon as he knew they were coming after him, he left Norwick, to avoid deaths being caused in the town.

    The exposed and unsupported guards Norwick had at the crossroads made perfect sacrifices for the things that came after him.

    Not his fault - they make perfect sacrifices for anything else that is looking for such, too.

    You're looking for someone to blame, blame the church and religion of Bane, that won't let people leave peacably.

  • Dwin raises a brow

    You vouchin fer this lad now? Maybe you come talk to me with him then.

    All I know is that this lad led some farkin demons or something too close to MY town and now i got dead lads and their families to explain to. Cause and effect.

    This lad is the cause, and I want to talk to him.

    You want to stick yer neck into this, thats your own decision.

  • He didn't cause the deaths of any Norwick guards. Things coming after him did. Take it up with them.

  • If this is the same lad that caused 2 o me best guards to be killed in the Nars, then I would like to have a chat with him.

  • Legion

    Guud fer him if he finally sees de light! I request tha nae one speak anythin of important matters wit him fer some time being… Make him prove himself me always wurried abou spies tryin to infiltrate our guud natured town...