Poster: "Reward for...

  • Poster reads:

    "Reward for information and proof, and/or bringing to justice and judgment of the perpetuator of the defamatory posters involving Lord Ilmater.

    _The posters in question make a mockery of my patron, Lord Ilmater, in an unimaginable and grossly contemptible way by involving the Painbearer and another God. They only serve to make light of my faith and trample upon the dignity as well as heighten the misunderstanding of the followers of the Painbearer, if no action is taken against this affront.

    Hence, I would like to offer my entire savings of 800 gold to the first that brings information leading to the identification of the perpetuator.

    To this I add a suit of fine scale mail if the perpetuator is also brought to justice and judgment by my church.

    To add to above, I will swear a bond of servitude of 2 years to whoever does both, and also accept my plea to fight on my behalf as a champion in Lord Ilmater's name in the Trial of Judgment as required to right this affront. My possessions and life during the 2 years shall be at the disposal of whoever shall aid me as I cannot fight the Trial.

    I beseech whoever that has the heart to aid a follower of Ilmater in need to help me right this wrong._

    Elena Arguyle
    Servant of the Painbearer"

  • And Bane ever more so than the Painbringer…poor heathen

  • Barely the next day the posters are taken down and in their place new notes:

    _"I Elena Arguyle am withdrawing my posters as they have been judged to be in direct contravention of Peltarch's laws, namely,

    1.03: Conspiracy to Commit a Murder - One who does not participate directly in a murder, but help plots or mastermind it, is in violation of the law.

    I wish to state for the record that a Trial by Judgment is not a lynching, but rather an honest duel between a champion of the church and an accused, the outcome of which the gods decide, and is based on purely a matter of honor, since the accused, in this case, has the courage to profane the faith of a deity and yet not have the courage to own up to this deed.

    I have been informed that I was over sensitive in this issue and there was no intended slight to the faith of the Painbearer, and I was making use of this as an excuse for some blood vengeance. I am willing to settle for a public apology via any means, but appears even this is impossible.

    My prayers shall go with whoever pasted those posters. The Gods judge fairly and wisely."_

  • a wizard clad in a black and green robes wonders

    Why is it alright for an Ilmaterite to put up a reward, and not for us?

  • reads the poster witha slight grin on her face

  • Mariston leaves message that Lady Elena is to report to the temple of Tyr

  • after reading the poster a young lad by the name of Robert has been spreading the word that he's seeking a diviner .. and is willing to pay the sum of 50 gold to the said diviner for performing a scrying.

  • Senator Senella requests that the priestess meet with her at her earliest convienience to discuss this issue.