Join the Militia

  • *Rando sends word to those who have been 'selected' to report to the militia barracks with all speed, last person there will have a interesting 'tasks'

    (sent me your play times either by PM, IRC or IG and i will sort something out)

  • Dwin announces that the list of new recruits will be posted sometime in the next day or so, and that Drill Instructore Rando is preparing for their first lessons.

  • having already applied for a position, Aren Ashaller eagerly paces around the barracks waiting for word from Dwin if he iwll be hired on or not

  • Mord slowly and painfully reads the notice then taking a charcoal stick from his pack prints his name in blocky letters MORD.

    mutters The laws seem simple enough… the folk.

  • A guard brings Lucidious behind the barracks to show him the head. He looks at it curiously a moment, then has the guard remove the note and hand it to him. Lucid asks him to dispose of the head, then makes his way back to his office reading the note as he goes…

  • A few guards report that a white haired, middle aged woman in teal full plate was seen depositing a severed goblin's head outside the back door of the militia barracks. It appeared that there was a note stuffed into the creature's mouth.

  • Dwin adds that he will "gladly pay for the citizen papers of any person who wishes to join the Militia and move to the wonderful town of Norwick."

  • Rando gives a short answer to the knights question

    "Yes, you HAVE to be a citizen"

    Rando wanders away muttering about the stupid questions people ask

  • A prominent and lovely Knight of Sune wonders if you still have to actually -live- in Norwick to be eligible?

  • Moe, I coulda sworn ya was alredy in the Militia… ya want to sign up again? Ya know ya only get paid once per person...

  • Helps Moe sign his name by telling him what letters to spell

    " I…D...I...O...T... There you go Moe"

  • Orc Man grabs a quill and some ink signs the notice with
    "Orc Man sign up for militia"