A small discussion in the docks

  • Clad in her Umerlant armor, Corana turns to speak with a group of sailors after performing her morning ritual in the docks.

    "As you all know, the Senate has recently met to discuss issues facing this city, and plans for construction of various improvements to better provide for your safety. If you listen to the heralds proclaim the proceedings of the meeting, you will hear about improvements to the city's walls and fortifications, and you will hear about plans for shrines to Gond and Sharess, among other plans. What you will not hear about from these heralds, oh traders and seafarers, is the rejected proposal for an improvement that would have directly benefited each of you in your chosen profession and livelihood. Some time before the meeting, gentlemen, I submitted a proposal for a shrine to Umberlee, at which you might pay offering before setting out onto the Icelace. It has baffled me for years how a city as heavily dependent on shipping as Peltarch could have no such location for proper offerings to the Queen. The shrine was to be located on the interior of a cave on the Icelace's shore which was protected by the outer walls of Peltarch west of the Commerce District. This location was particularly critical, as it preserved the divinely prescribed atmosphere for such a shrine while simultaneously providing you all the safety of the city's fortifications.

    I will not go into specifics with you about -why- this proposal was rejected by your Senators; however, I would encourage you all to do one thing - ask them why. Ask them why, as your elected officials, they opted to reject a proposal with such obvious benefit to each one of your daily lives. Ask the paladins if they truly understand what it is like to live your lives without a proper place to pray for favorable waters. Ask them why they have turned a blind eye upon you. Then ask yourselves quite simply - are you comfortable with this?"

    With that, Corana exits the district swiftly to assist Kyaria with Church business, apparently unwilling to remain present for the inevitable jeers and catcalling from her traditional opponents.

  • K'yaria and Corana both smile sweetly as they pass the Good Senator, their eyes cold and amused. K'yaria reaches up and strokes the symbol of Umberlee that hangs prominently about her neck, a stiff breeze from the North ruffles her hair. She's heard to murmur to Corana as they pass…..

    Yes, I do believe a storm approaches.

  • Senator Aarron Ashald can be seen talking quietly with some Seafarer sailors, nodding slightly as Corana speaks, holding a piece of parchment in his hand.

    "Well men, this here…" Holds up the parchment to the sailors "..is Priestess Corana's citizenship papers. One less priestess to bless your voyages now. She gave them to me after she was informed of the decision."

    He pats one of the men on the shoulder lightly "Food and drink is on me. Who knows, may be our last meal." Gives a half hearted chuckle "I'll meet you all at the Ferret if you are interested."

    His eyes look to the north and he pauses, looking to the men briefly. "Hmm….storm seems to be coming in."

    "Maybe I'm wrong..." Gives a small shrug and heads off to the Ferret, his eyes constantly looking north until he enters the building.

  • Some time soon after Corana's speech, rumours start that the local Gondar is planning on building a wavebreaker to protect the docks, in response to the denied temple, to protect the city from harm.