Norwick's Authority

  • After making a few measurements around the actual signpole at the corssroads, Peppy decides that, yes, it does fall just outside of everyone's claim. She draws a square around the signpost and places a sign above the arrows pointing south for Norwick and east for Jiyyd. A simple stool takes up most of her square, and she sits on it religiously. When people ask what in the world she is doing… she points to the sign which says simply.. "Peppyvania Here"

  • 8O

  • Lucidious spends some time reviewing the work being done at the new outpost, making a few notes in his journal with a smile. He then takes a moment to congratulate Plato on his promotion before making his way back to town.

  • ((Penny should check her new home for an eviction notice… 🙂 ))

  • As news of the Norwick construction begins to spread, some travelers through the Pass report that the crude markers of the Royal Empire of Pendragon have been updated with a rough sketch of a dragon in the corner, and the words "Safety first!" scrawled immediately beneath the line "Dress to impress!". At the foot of each of these signs, travelers can find random blades and other weaponry for use, apparently for the purpose outlined in the newly scrawled text.

    ((I'm having too much fun with this! 🙂 I'll set down a few items when I'm IG next - only a couple though to avoid triggering huge lag problems, if that's ok.))

  • _*Sounds of construction can bea heard north of Norwick as a dozen or so of Norwick's finest get to work on cleaning up the old, dilapidated bandit hideout on the south side of Norwick Hill. Under Dwin's orders, the area has been made into a "welcome center" of sorts where weary travellers can come in and get warm, or enjoy a warm drink courtesy of the Militia.

    A newly promoted Seargant by the name of Plato seems to be running things and directing the general project.

    Several guards have been posted along the road just south of the hill after the evens of late, and the feeling of safety within the town seems to be improving.*_

    ((If/When the server restarts, please RP that there are guards there and that the old house has been cleaned up and all corpses removed. Thanks to Dm Goddess for temporarily setting this up!))

  • signs posted all over in the most random places Welcome to the Empire of mischief! Proper muffin eating ettiquette strictly enforced. Pinkies shall be raised at preciesly a 45 degree angle while eating muffins within the Empire! Enjoy your stay!

  • Dwin looks at Penny, shakes his head, and chuckles

    You too, lass? Well, I like some good jokin as much as anyun else. But, I'll tell ya. We are quie serious about keepin our folks safe and the extent of our authority.

    You all can joke if ya want, it dont matter to me. As long as ya realize that we are not jokin' about Nor'ick's safety. Give us some time to get it all together… and soon Norwick guards will be commonplace on the hill formerly known as Sam's.

  • Legion

    On one of the generals regular patrols he sees the signs for dress to impress and orders the troops to Dress to impress! So they would not break any laws while in Pendragon…....

  • Word spreads that during the multi-day battle on Sam's Hill, Penny managed to claim Rass' old cave and the surrounding foothills in the name of the Royal Empire of Pendragon. Due to mounting expansionist pressure brought upon the tiny but fashionable sovereign state by its neighboring ally, the People's Republic of Zyphlin, the REP responded by annexing the Nars hills to its north, up to and including the cave entrance to Oscura. Over the upcoming days, small pieces of parchment propped up on rickety sticks denote the boundaries of this state, reading: "Welcome to the Royal Empire of Pendragon. Dress to impress."

    • Foilir can be seen getting rid of some 'used ale' up at his favorite spot, aiming for the familiar marker.

    He smiles as he sees some of the wear on it, thinking it solely the work of the ale he has "turned back into water" *

  • ((bah, I take one night off to play Civ4 and I miss a battle I shoulda been at!))

    Dwin advises his townspeople to ignore the rusings and whines of bards that have always been jealous of what Norwick has to offer, and that have up until a few months ago been banned from the town, anyway. He speaks to a gathering of Norwickians…

    "…what would ya expect him to say? He's just lookin fer an audience as usual. Now, me an Grag go way back. With the Legion patrollin' the lands between Jiyyd and the crossroads, and Norwick takin' care of the lands south of the crossroads, travel in between Jiyyd and Norwick ought to be easier and safer.

    If I were the Tiny-dancer, I would spend more energy gettin his so-called Peltarch defenses to do more of what we are tryin' to do...protect folks! Despite this recent event, I seen more hobgobs roamin the lands near Peltarch, without any contest mind ya, than any other area around here.

    Maybe he should do his singin' and whinin in his own town and stop worryin' about us folk down here in Norwick, aye!?! Who wants ale? Fer the next hour, the Boars head is pourin' drinks courtesy of the Militia!

    Dwin leads the crowd intto the Boars Head as chants of "Nor-wick! Nor-wick" can be heard inside.

  • Well, actually, you see…I did have a problem with Jiyyd claiming the long road up until they build farmland on it. Not, well, they have actually built land upon it, the guards do come out there to enforce the law and help out on occasion. Never said a thing about Norwick claiming a bit of land extending out from either gate...that makes a ton of sense. Most cities do it. But claiming all the way up Sam's hill which is a good bit of travel down the Nars, when there's really nothing making it more Norwick land then Jiyyd land or hell even Peltarch land...that's just humerous.

    And Jiyyd didn't come out claiming how they would "assure" the long road to be "safe territory"

  • Rando on seeing the blue bard mentions

    " Jiyyd with the help of the legion claimed the long road to the cross roads and i did not see you complain about that.. and hobs still roam that area under the so called protection of Jiyyd. It seems to me anything Norwick does you are against…. you should let go of your bitterness Zy. it does not become you."

  • _Word comes back down of a massive battle upon "Norwick's" Sam's Hill. It started with but a single bard, and ended with a good twenty odd people coming and going, none outside Maythor seeming to have any true Norwickian authority. In the end, the Legion set up two tents and cook pots along with ale for the defenders to keep rest in, and four hundred odd hobgoblins including a number of high shaman, giant axe wielders, and even ones with the markings of chieftens swarming out into the group. The general concensus of the group from the start was that they would "Save Norwick from the 'invading hobgoblin hordes' and be awarded medals for thier valor" though sarcasim was thick, as were the wondering what happened to it being a "Safe place of Passage". In the end, there was much drinking and rejoicing, as well as the words of a simple lymric ringing out over the air after a fine toast to the goodly and devoted Jiyydian Orc who made the Hill famous and where it gets its name from:

    ((an irish drinking song type melody))
    "Drink a pint on Sam's old hill,
    until the hobs come out to thrill;
    Lacking any useful skill,
    and smelling like a bunch of swill.
    To the last one we shall kill,
    for old Sam you know we will;
    And though thier stench does make us ill,
    in the end you know that we'll stillllllllllllllll…..."[repeats with good laughter]

    Names passed around were Grag, Zyphlin, Theaon, Penny, Will, Maythor, Oreth, Nicahh, with more and more coming as time went on._

  • I claim your entire plane of existance to be my own personal playground, and shall consider it within my juristicion for any mischief I deem appropriate!

    This does not appear to be news to anyone...

    I am going to go eat now.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Those lands south of Norwick have been tended to by the druids of the Rawlinswood, who, through their own graciousness, allowed Norwick to pursue criminals only that far, and not farther.

    This has not changed.

    But, in the spirit of this….I claim the whole of the Rawlinswood as a protectorate under the care of the circle of Quercatha Terr, lest Norwickians decide to attemt to extend their "authority" further than they have any right to do so.

    I've fought and died for this forest countless times, and many in the circle have done the same. What has Norwick's government done, except to ally itself with yuan-ti, to the detriment of its citizens and...well...everyone else? Nothing. You have no rights, here.

    We have been allies in the past, but to attempt to usurp us is inexcusable. If you wish to do anything in these woods, it will be with our input.

  • In the true spirit of claiming land in other peoples' jurisdiction….I'd like to lay claim to Fine Ogden's old farm, Vino's fire, and...the north guard-tower of Norwick. I will call them Oreth-town.

  • Zyphlin can be heard chuckling as he hears the news

    Oh wonderful. So we're allowed to just randomly claim land now.

    Excellent I hearby claim…the cave in the south rawlins, um...that one cliff by the gypsy camp....and hm, how about the bridge...under the territory of the Peoples Republic of Zyphlin. Wow. Randomly claiming land with no real prescense at all in that area is fun.