Wild Magic

  • A notice goes up in a couple of public places, carefully scripted

    "To all Spellcasters.
    It is known that Peltarch is currently experiencing bouts of wild magic.
    As such this is an advisement that any harm resulting from wild magic effects related to spellcasting may be regarded as negligence on the part of the spellcaster by the Ceruleans.

    Mecziq. Cerulean 5th Star."

  • _Dentin has been talking to the city's people again, paying special attention to those who are particularly unsettled by the state of the Weave.

    "I assure you that the current state of the Weave is nothing of true concern, provided that care is taken in the casting of spells and the calling on divine aid. To my knowledge, the current state will result in one of two possible outcomes. Either the current fluctuation will lead to the Weave becoming completely inactive for an indetermined amount of time, possible forever.
    Either that, or what is currently believed to be the reason for the chaotic state of the Weave, drow activity, is confirmed to be the cause, and will be undone.
    Following this, the Weave would likely restore to its usual properties.

    Let us at this time remind ourselves of the importance of Craft and Invention, even moreso than when the Weave is fully active. With magic failing, cures for diseases and poison, and proper knowledge to treat wounds will become doubly important, as one can no longer rely on divine aid to instantly mend most impairments. The balance has shifted away from those of arcane talent, and those who serve the divine, towards those who rely on their tools and wits to make their way.

    Though I am saddened by my reduced ability to serve you, let non of you believe that I will simply accept this impairment. No, my faith in Gond stands strong, and my will to aid and serve you stands equally strong. We will make due without His interventions if need be, though remember that He is with us in spirit, and guides us in Creation and Invention. His Wonder is not that of Magic.. it is that of which you create. It was not magic that built your homes, that made your clothes and all the tools that make your life easier.. no, it was you who did so, trough Knowlede and hard work.. with Gond's blessing. Remember this well, and stand strong in these chaotic times, good people of Peltarch."_

  • …And somewhere, a gnome is laughing with uncontained glee...

  • DM

    In a brief speech in each area of the city flanked by those he knows best The Magistrate Barrim reminds civic leaders as well as the guard that:-

    _"This Wild Magic is not counted as any defence under the statute and any harm, disturbance or damage to persons, property be that private or public will be the sole responsibility of the caster concerned."

    "In the name of Azuth and Mystra i feel confident that the outstanding leadership of the ceruleans as well as the fine keeper of spellweaver will ensure that discipline, order and the proper and balanced nature of magic will soon be upon us once more. I feel sure that under the senates' leadership this matter will not be long put behnd us"_