Stories Round The Fire Contest
Signs hung in common places
Stories Round The Fire Contest
Spin an orginal tale of an adventure either fictious or not and win some gold. The winning entries will be shared ((insert some faerun date I have not determined at this time~))
First Prize: 1500 gold
Second Prize: 1000 gold
Third Prize: 500 goldEntries due July 20th.
2 More Days… Enter... you know you want to...
special Addenum to the sign
The first prize winner also recieves a retailored item from the wonderfully talented Romani clothing merchant!
((5 Days left! I've heard from people that they can't write well, everyone can write, and its not like you're going to get shot in the face or penalized for writing a bad story so what's the harm in trying.
If you don't think you can just write it, have you character tell the story to someone else, and have them write it down (and by that I mean go into your logs once your done and copy+paste into notepad or something to send to me)
These are stories that are meant to ultimately be shared around a camp fire, so if you just tell it that way and the copy it down and send it to me, you'll end up with exactly what this contest wants
and I know none of you are bad RPers :)))
((Something of character relevance, either an event that has happened to them, or if they are creative, a fictious one. It is most definetly prefered that works be orginal to the competion, and reasonable for the judges to read. Works that have won prizes in other competitions (if there have been any >_> will given the head shake of SHAME!!))
((what are the rules? Ie: based off other stories, character relevance, new write up or something written back in high school, something with fable/historical roots?))
GRUMBLE Since my highlighter keeps getting set off in IRC, THIS IS BACK ON AGAIN. Entries due on the 20th. That is 10 days!!
–see next post--