Scrolls found

  • A number of scrolls seem to have mysteriously appeared about Jiyyd. Written on very fine vellum and and scribed with an elegant flair it reads:


    Greetings and salutations. It comes to my attention that you intend to combat the growing menace that threatens the land. You are too late to stop that which has begun. Had you headed the words of our emissaries instead of striking them down the Orb of Myrkul would not be a threat you. Diplomats sent in good faith were struck down by the self righteous and the narrow minded among you against any civilized lands laws. And this is what it has brought you to, the brink of death. We came to you in good faith asking for your aid so we could leave these lands and escape the powers of the Orb. We were killed by zealots. We offered truce, we were betrayed. When we have offered an open hand, you have replied with mailed fist.

    I shall tell you what these men and women have not. We are the People, we are as you call undead. We did not come here to harm anyone, we did not come here to pillage these lands. We were just passing thru when this artifact trapped many of us here. It sapped their wills and made them feral and violent. Once we were to determine the cause of the problem we sought help from Norwick and Jiyyd. Our diplomats were killed so we responded in turn. Everytime we sent diplomats they were either killed, or met with deals that would be broken. Our original terms were simple, we asked for aid in finding the orb so we could turn it off so we could leave these lands. That's it. No one likes being caged and trapped. But some among you could not see this and chose to attack us instead. Each town that was attacked was done so after a diplomat was slain. So you see, hostilities were begun by these men and women. Not us. All we have done we have done for self survival from the agressors set upon us. Had they accepted our diplomats and offered aid the Orb may have been found years ago and us long gone.

    Now one of these overly pious but of narrow mind have found the Orb and tried to tap it's powers and has failed. His soul is now lost, consumed by the power fo the orb when we could of deactivated it safely and then be gone. Perhaps when we have destroyed the wielder of the Orb you will have time to reflect on the action of the few. To not allow yourselves to be ruled by those claiming a higher guidance. For now, do not interefere. Do not enter the Plains before Mintas, do not attempt subterfuge or to strike the weilder of the Orb. Each death makes him stronger. We are the only chance you have. Leave us be to do what must be done.

    Let it be known that only one attuned to the Orb, one who is already dead, or one steeped in necromancy has a chance of controlling the Orb. Were the Orb to come into possesion of one not of the above, their very souls would be rendered into nothing and be but a husk controlled by the Orb. You have been warned.

    I hope you take this in good faith and not allow the self righteous among you to overpower reason and logic as they have done in the past. They have brought this upon you, not us, now it is time for us to fix this mess for the sake of the Realms.

    Yours in Faith,

    General Aegias , Commander of the Army of the People and Protector of the Faith

  • Words of Wisdom from Rico Swift:

    The Enemy of my Enemy is still my @#$&*$! Enemy!

  • A tall and muscular redhead reads the scroll slowly, then just exclaims: "Um!" Afterwards she comments to anyone willing to listen that she herself left one of their so-called talking emmisaries alive, and then later they were trying to turn her into an undead monster. Although it might be difficult to follow her talk because she uses an impossible amount of ums and ers between every single word.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    "Always knew them fool hardy would damn us all. .."

  • /me is cranky

  • Damian is heard to remark,

    "I will respond with the edge of my blade!"

  • Belade nods at Dwin's words.
    I am also selling my spare mastercrafted silver longsword, for a mere 1250 gold. Sorry for the underselling Dwin

  • Dwin reads through the collection of letters that is growing

    they were meanin' no harm?

    Them farkers captured me twice, beat the shiite outta me, and tried to get me to eat rancid elf meat! No harm?

    They had plenty o chances to talk to me as I lay helpless in their lair.. I didn't hear shiite! "Eat the meat, Dwin." Farkers.

    Sounds like we are gonna need some more silver weapons, folks… me offer still stands, of course...

  • The young farmer Lamar Jard took one of this sheet of paper while he was running in the old cave to hide himself from his father's rage. He could have some use for it…..

  • Belade starts looking for scrolls and makes a nice little fire, but takes care to leave some, so people can learn about how idiotic the enemy is.

  • A short and simple note is written in a neat hand on one of the scrolls.

    "The Sisterhood offered no violence. The children in our care offered no violence. These 'People' attempted to turn our children into ghouls like themselves. Destroy them all.

  • After reading the scroll, the Cleric Dobur starts mumbling
    Never heard of civilized undead, could have all of this a foundation of truth… thinks while he walks towards the temple ...or it is just a trap to take us on the back?

  • _::Posted outside the gates of Jiyyd and on fliers near the others, is a fine parchment with flowing black script upon it.

    Non-People (for that is what you are),

    Greetings and Salutations. It has came to my attention that you believe us fools or you are simply blinded due to the inability for blood to reach the organ that causes your mind to actually think due to your status of life. You state that we are too late to stop what has already begun, yet this is not the first time the men and women of Narfell have heard these words; The Defiler, The Thayans, The crystals. Each time we are told that we can not succeed, shall not succeed, and each time the spirit of the people in this land overcome. Why is it then, you un-People, that you believe this will not be the case this time. You send forth undead, creatures whose very prescense upon this plane of existances blight out the good energies of the world and bring pain to its very foundation. Creatures, who at thier utmost core, are seething of evil. You send these creatures towards towns that have been ravished by your kind time, and time again…to clerics and paladins of goodly gods...even to a town that plays host to a Diety whose very tennets state to Kill All Undead you find. You send these "diplomats" in "good faith" and then wonder why it is they are struck down and not trusted when every Vampire, Zombie Lord, and minion of undead has lied through thier teeth and saught nothing but further death? One does not grasp the open hand of Undead lest they invite themselves to be consumed shortly after.

    You state you did not come here to pillage, or to kill. YOu were simply "passing through" and trapped. That your hand has been forced because the cities of this land defended themselves from creatures riddled with negative energies and akin to thousands of others that have brought nothing but death. And that because of attack the cities. I must ask to you, Non-People, how did striking against Norwick bring you closer to your orb. Did nearly slaying dozens of children bring you closer to that which you needed to possess? Did destroying crops that will surely cause the starvation of dozens of Jiyydians, or battering walls that will allow more orcs to stream through to pillage civilians...did this bring you closer to your orb? Do not think that we are so foolish as to believe that you responded in this way simply because your "diplomats", as illy and stupidly chosen as they were, were killed and such you have to respond. If this orb was as important and as key as you state, your focus would be on the recovery of it and not the simple savagery you have shown. To make deals and bargains with an undead, let alone a legion of them, and to deliver an artifact of great power into thier hand is no different or wise than dealing with demons. If you truly wished diplomacy you would have found someone, in all this time, MORTAL AND LIVING, to act as your diplomat. But you did not. You continued to send foul abominations upon this world into the den of holy men and women; such is akin to sending mice into a room with a cat and then being surprised when you find a pink tale hanging from the felines mouth.

    It is true, the Orb corrupted once a pious man of this land...much as you Un-People have corrupted other pious men of our land: Rary, Mecziq, and others. But yet I do not truly believe the situation would be all that much different, or better off, had the orb came into the possession of you folk. You say that you would simply deactivate the Orb and move on, yet anyone may say anything. I may say that I am the High Lord Ao, hidden within the body of a bard here upon this earth...a Cyricist could state that they are holier and more goodly than the most noble of Lathanderites...A banite could state that he would grasp a rod of power only to bring down a brutal government and allow a city to live in peaceful anarchy. But what one says, and what would truly happen, is not always the same. To be fully blunt nothing has been shown by you un-People, or any walking physical dead I have found in this land, that you would be true to this word you state.

    So continue to spew your lies and fictions, to paint yourselves as some type of pious heroes and the goodly folk of this land as the evil wretches that you un-People truly are. But I shall warn you, as well as the former ally of good and light that sits within mintas; All that underestimate the will and soul of the people of Narfell have fallen before the force of its people, and in time the lord Kelemvor will see you given the rest you so properly and duely deserve.

    Yours in Life,

    Zyphlin Re'cual, Bard of the Nars and believer in the true People_

  • Last I checked, ghouls still eat people. "We mean no harm" my arse.

  • A man in silver, under oppressive heat of sun and in the silver sheen of moonlight, passionately extols striking down the undead in their lair. He speaks of madness and evil within, of lies and deceit spun by these "People", mere monsters deserving only to be sent to the Hells where they belong. He speaks of the deaths of friends and colleagues, and his own imprisonment within his own body. He is heated in speaking of their sole desire of simply consuming every single person within the town. He calls all of good heart to yield NO QUARTER to any of the undead, to these 'People', a term spitted, not spoken. He calls for the head of this vile 'master', a being that could care nothing for the wellbeing of any other than itself.

  • _Peppy is seen reading one of the scrolls after they are reportedly found in Jiyyd…..

    People say her expression was one of disappointment._

    That is so not the type of scroll I was seeking from the dead things…

  • Chaevre' in passing reads one of the notes and is heard laughing.